Chapter 2 Notes Flashcards
actively seeking to understanding,analyze, and evaluate information to solve problems.
Critical Thinking
are patterns of thinking that affect how we respond to new ideas
Make sure you comprehend the problem-research paper
Get an understanding of the problem
Communication/aggressiveness vs assertiveness
Gather Information and interpret it
may have to choose between alternatives
Develop a solution plan carry it out
Evaluate the Plan’s Effectiveness
a perspective or a set of statements that explains why processes and events occur
The Top Down View
-Focuses on a large scale patterns of society
Macro-level orientation
The Bottom Up View
-Focus on Small-Scale patterns of society
Micro-Level Orientation
Open, Stated, and conscious function
Manifest functions
Unintended, Unconscious or unintended functions
These functions have hidden purpose
Latent functions
the process by which offspring learn attitudes,beliefs, and values appropriate to their society and culture so they can function effectively society.
- To provide economic support for family members
- To provide emotional support for family members
views individuals and groups as being basically in conflict and groups as being basically in conflict with each other for power and scarce resource
- conflict among opinions
- conflict among spouses, children,families
conflict perspective
Conflict over power
Tv,use of the car
Conflict over resources
Focuses on internal family interactions, the ongoing action and the response of family members to one another
symbolic interaction
gestures or words that we interpret or define as we observe them in other people
people define situations as real (politeness vs. flirting)
Definition of the situation
based on others interactions-looking glass self
uses questionnaires or interviews to collect data from small representative groups (samples) Which are them used to generalizes conclusions valid for larger groups (populations)
Survey Research
What is step one in survey research?
decide on the population & the sample
everyone has the same opportunity of being chosen
researchers pick people for convenience or availability-instructors using students in their class
a sample of specific subgroups of your population in which everyone has an equal chance of being included in the study
stratified random sample
What is step 2 in survey research?
Gather the Data: Using Questionnaires or Interviews
-closed and open-ended questions
interviews allows their own preconceptions to influence how they ask questions
What is the step 3 in survey research?
analyze and generalize the results
whether the results of the sample can be said to apply to the population the larger group
in depth study of individuals or small groups who have sought counseling for psychological,relationship, or marital/family problems from mental health professionals
clinical research
working directly with clients using interviews observation and analysis of records
case-study method
researches obtain information by observing people in their usual surrounding
observational research
Interact anonymously with subject
Participant Observation
just observe subjects
non-participants observation
subjects change their behavior because they know they are being observed
Drawbacks (Hawthorne effect)
researchers try to isolate a single factors behaviors under controlled conditions to determine its effects
experimental research
factors that can be controlled or manipulated
independent variable
factors or behaviors that are affected by changes in the independent variable.
dependent variable
clinical depression
subject are exposed to an independent variable introduced by researchers
experimental group
subjects are not introduced the independent variable by the researcher
control group
compare data on family life among kinds of societies
comparing information that already there
studying a group over a extend periods of time
taking research collected by other reasearcher
secondary analysis
the beliefs that one’s native country,culture,language,abilities, behavior are superior to those of another culture
the belief that the standard family is heterosexual with homosexual families not being view as true families
children are the ultimate reason-many couple find that they like the freedom income etc.
Bias against not having children