Chapter 3 Notes Flashcards
The socially learned attitudes and behaviors associated with being male or female
Biological characteristics determine whether we are male or female
is the behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status
a role
are the expected behaviors of a male/female in particular culture.
gender roles
the behavior defined by biological constraints
a sex role
is the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group
is a person’s psychological sense of whether they are male or female.
gender identity
is an intense psychological discomfort with one’s sex
gender variance
are members of one gender that dress up as members of another
are males who dresses provocatively in order to appeal to men
a person with the biological sex of one gender who has the identity or self-concept of the other gender and undergoes medical producers to change to that sex
a person with the biological sex of one gender who has the identity of other gender, lives the full time life of that gender, but does not undergo medial procedures to change to that gender
a person who has both male & female sexual organs that are not distinct
Hermaphrodite/ intersexual
means female dominated, female identified, and female centered
means male dominated, male identified,and male centered
is unjust discrimination based on person’s sex
-the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other
abuse of one’s position of authority to force unwanted sexual attention on another person
sexual harassment
Sociobiology suggest that……
-our social behavior and gender behavior results from biological difference
An example of Learning by Reinforcement
Rewards and Punishment
An example of Learning By Modeling
-We learn attitudes and behaviors through our interaction with the environment
How children think,understand, and reason changes as they grow older
-This is the result of biological maturation and increasing social experience
Cognitive Development Theory
Know about two different genders but not permanent (hair, color,etc.)
2 yrs old
Can identified them-self as girl or boy and want to do girl or boy things
5 yrs old
Gender os permanent, does not change hair or clothes
6/7 yrs old
mental category for organizing our perceptions of cultural stimuli
- Children Develop a gender schema about what different genders typically do
- This framework is used to interpret new information about gender
Who is independent, courages, and tough
Who is affectionate, nurturing, and understanding
Four Ways Parents Socialize their children
1) Use different physical and verbal manipulations:treat girls more gently and boys more roughly.
2) Directs attention towards certain stereotypical gender: Identified objects-toys are different
3) Applies different verbal descriptions to the same behavior-boys are considered active while girls are considered aggressive
4) encourages or discourages certain stereotypical gender-identified activities: as a child you were asked to do certain chores that were/are stereotypical male or female
How are girls influenced?
- act certain ways awarded or shunned
- girls are often by boys-put down girls that boys do not think are pretty or more intelligent
How are boys influenced?
Boys promote gender stereotyping- girls/pretty and boys/toughness (wimp)
How do teachers influence boys?
Boys tend to get more attention from teachers than girls do,called on more in class,given more time to take, and disciplined more harshly.
How do teachers influence girls?
Girls are more likely to be praised for their appearance and having neat work. They tend to do better academically through elementary school,boys surpass them in middle school(math,science,and reading)
Half of working women are found secretarial positions and administrative assistants
Occupations Dominated by females
Most U.S senators and congressional representative are men
Religious leadership is male dominated
Occupations Dominated by males
Higher income& other job-related advantage
Less domestic work and marital stress
Benefits Males
Identity tied to relationships rather than work and closer attachments w/children
Benefits Females
Left feeling less of a man if you fall short of your goals
Personal self worth being tied to job position & income
unpleasant working conditions,supervisor/employees
Job-related stress
experience role overload when they try to juggle role overload
Less time with family life
Loneliness and fear of intimacy
Limited on child custody when divorced
Limited emotional expression
What are some Drawbacks for females?
-Reduced income and career fulfillment
Dependence on the spouse, resulting in happiness(female)
dependents on her spouse
possibly being drawn into eating disorders
The Beauty Problem (females)
Lowe self-esteem less social confidence, and believe that they are not as intelligent as working women.
Less Personal Self Worth (female)
the view that women should have the same economic, social,and political rights that men have
inequality is rooted in sexism,it assumes that the cause of women’s inequality is learned customs of inequality
Liberal Feminism
the sexual division of labor and gender inequality are an expression for parental leave and child care to enable women to achieve a better quality of life
Socialist feminism
inequality rooted in patriarchy
Radical Feminism
describes social arrangements in which potions of power and authority are mostly held by men.
-A key emphasis of radical feminism is violence,both physical and psychological,as perpetrated by male-dominated institutions against females
oppression rooted in dominance of heterosexuality
Lesbian Feminism
promotes a return to traditional gender and family roles
conservative feminism
agree that the patriarchal system causes oppression and isolation but are more concerned with males attempts to achieve self-realization and self-expression
believe that male dominance is natural and therefor women’s attempts to gain gender equality must be resisted
agree with feminist women that patriarchy benefits
occurs when 2 or more roles are in compatible
role conflict
is the quality of having one person that characteristics, as both males and females
ex: women being more logical in one kind of situation and more emotional in another or being competitive in one situation and nurturing in another. Allowing men to express their own emotions more freely without being criticized or stereotyped