Chapter 8 - Motivation Terms and Concepts Flashcards
A condition or state that energizes and directs an organism’s actions
Innate patterns of behavior that occur in every normally functioning member of a species under certain set conditions
Any external stimulus that can motivate behavior even when no internal drive state exists
Need for Achievement (nAch)
Complex psychosocial motive to accomplish difficult goals, attain high standards, surpass the achievements of others, and increase self-regard by succeeding in exercising talent
Cognitive Expectancies
A learned expectancy of relationships between stimuli (in Pavlovian conditioning) and between responses & outcomes (in operant conditioning)
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Theory that people experience psychological discomfort or dissonance whenever two related cognitions or behaviors are in conflict
Biologically Based Motives
Motives such as hunger and thirst that are rooted primarily in body tissue needs; sometimes referred to as drives
Commonly used to describes motives that are based on tissue needs, such as hunger and thirst
Ventromedial Hypothalamus (VMH)
A region of the hypothalamus in which damage results in faster gastric emptying and an increase in insulin production (The VMH is also important for female sexual behavior)
Lateral Hypothalamus (LH)
An area of the hypothalamus that is important for taste sensation, mediating digestive processes, and salivation
Arcuate Nucleus
An area of the hypothalamus, adjacent to the ventromedial nucleus which regulates the secretion of neuropeptide Y and insulin
Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
A potent stimulator of appetite as well as a regulator of insulin secretion
Glucotastic Hypothesis
Theory that hunger results when glucoreceptors detect a lack of glucose, either because blood levels of glucose are low or because insulin is not available in sufficient quantity
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
A hormone that regulates the rate of food digestion and decreases appetite by affecting neurons in the hypothalamus
A hormone that is produced by fat cells and appears to signal satiety to neurons in the hypothalamus
Condition in which an individual weighs 20 percent or more above the desirable weight for his or her height
Anorexia Nervosa
Eating disorder characterized by prolonged refusal to eat adequate amounts of food are most common among young adults
Eating disorder characterized by periodic episodes of binge eating followed by deliberate purging using either vomiting or laxatives
Sensation-Seeking Motive
An explanation for the apparent need for certain levels of stimulation including the need to explore the environment and the need for sensory stimulation
A physiological state in which an individual is able to process information effectively and to engage in motivated behavior
Optimum Level of Arousal
Level of arousal at which an individual’s performance on a specific task is most efficient
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Principle that the optimum level of arousal for peak performance will vary somewhat depending on the nature of the task
Male sex hormones the most common which is testosterone
Hormones that influence female sexual development
Cultural Mores
Established customs or beliefs in a particular culture
Sexual Orientation
Sex to which an individual is attracted
Primary erotic, psychological, and social interest in members of the same sex, even though that interest may not be expressed overtly