Chapter 2 - The Methods Of Psychology - Terms And Concepts Flashcards
Case Study
Method of research that involves in-depth study of one or more participants who are examined individually using direct observation, testing, experimentation, and other methods
Coefficient of Correlation
Statistic used to describe the degree of relationship between two or more variables in which positive correlations indicate that variables vary together in the same direction and negative correlations indicate the opposite.
Control Group
In experimental psychology, a group of participants who experience all the same conditions as participants in the experimental group except for the key factor (independent variable) the researcher is evaluating
Correlational Method
Research Method that uses statistical techniques to determine the degree of relationship between variables
Dependent Variable
In experimental research, the behavior that results from manipulation of an independent variable
Descriptive Statistics
Mathematical and graphical methods for reducing data to a form that can be readily understood
Experimental Group
In experimental research, a group of participants who are exposed to different varieties of independent variables, so that resulting behaviors can be compared
Experimental Research
Research conducted in precisely controlled laboratory conditions in which participants are confronted with specific stimuli and their reactions are carefully measured to discover relationships among variables
Statement proposing existence of a relationship between variables, typically as a tentative explanation for cause and effect, and often designed for research testing
Independent Variable
Condition or factor that the experimenter manipulates in order to determine whether changes in behavior (the dependent variable) result
Inferential Statistics
Process of using mathematical procedures to draw conclusions about the meaning of research data
In descriptive statistics, the arithmetic average obtained by adding scores and dividing by the number of scores
In descriptive statistics, the score that falls in the middle of a distribution of numbers arranged from the lowest to the highest
In descriptive statistics, the score that occurs most frequently in a distribution of numbers
Measure of Central Tendency
In descriptive statistics, a value that reflects the middle or central point of a distribution of scores. The three measures are mean, median, and mode
Measure of Variability
In descriptive statistics, a measure that indicates whether distribution sores are clustered closely around their average or widely spread out. The two measures of variability are the range and the standard deviation.
A scientific theory is a logical explanation for all the relevant data or facts scientists have observed regarding certain natural phenomena. An essential aspect of scientific theories is that they must be both testable and refutable, not to be confused with the common usage of the term used to signify a hunch a speculation, or an opinion
Replication Studies
Research conducted for the purpose of verifying previous findings
Research method that provides descriptive information in which a representative sample of people is questioned about their behaviors or attitudes
Selected segment of a larger population that is being studied in psychological research. Two kinds of samples are the representative sample and the random sample
Representative Sample
Sample in which critical subgroups are represented according to their incidence in the larger population that the researcher is studying
Random Sample
Sample group of a larger population that is selected by using randomization procedures
Observational Method
Method of psychological research providing descriptive information, in which participants are observed as they go about their usual activities
Naturalistic Observation
Psychological research using the observational method that takes place in a natural setting, such as a participant’s home or school environment
Observer Bias
Tendency of an observer to read more into a situation than is actually there or to see what he or she expects to see. Observer bias is a potential limitation of the observational method.
Observer Effect
Tendency of participants to modify behavior because they are aware of being observed
Mathematical methods for describing and interpreting data. Two kinds of statistics are descriptive and inferential statistics.
Normal Distribution
In descriptive statistics, a distribution in which scores are distributed similarly on both sides of the middle value, so that they have the appearance of the bell-shape curve when graphed
In descriptive statistics, the term describes an unbalanced distribution of scores
In descriptive statistics, a measure of variability that indicates the difference between the highest and lowest scores
Numbers from a range of data indicating percentages of scores that lie below them
Standard Score
In descriptive statistics, a measure that indicates how far a score deviates from the average in standard units
Operational Definition
Definition specifying the operations that are used to measure or observe a variable such as a definition of obesity specifying a certain weight-height relationship
Statistical Significance
Term used to describe research result in which changes in the dependent variable can be attributed with a high level of confidence to the experimental condition (or independent variable) being manipulated by the researcher