Chapter 1 - The Origins Of Psychology - Terms And Concepts Flashcards
Scientific study of the behavior of humans and other animals
Scientific Method
Careful observation of events in the world, the formation of predictions based on these observations and the testing of these predictions by manipulation of variables and systematic observation
Approach to psychology that attempted to break down experience into its basic elements or structures, using a technique called introspection, in which subjects provided scientific reports of perceptual experiences
Approach to psychology that emphasizes the functional, practical nature of the mind. Influenced by Darwin’s theory of natural selection, functionalists attempted to learn how mental processes - such as learning, thinking, and perceiving - helped people adapt
Scientific approach to the study of behavior that emphasizes the relationship between environmental events and an organism’s behavior
Gestalt Psychology
Approach to psychology, which argues that the whole of an experience is different than the sum of its parts (Gestalt psychology is an active force in current investigations of perceptual processes and learning as well as therapy, where it emphasizes the whole person)
Humanistic Psychology
Approach to psychology that emphasizes the role of free choice and our ability to make conscious rational decisions about how we live our lives
Cognitive Psychology
Approach to psychology that focuses on the ways in which organisms process information, and investigates the processes such as thinking, memory, language, problem solving, and creativity
Developmental Psychology
Field of specialization in psychology concerned with factors that influence development and shape behavior throughout the life cycle from conception through old age
Social Psychology
Field of specialization concerned with understanding the impact of social environments and social processes on individuals
Personality Psychology
Field of specialization that focuses on exploring the uniqueness of the individual, describing the elements that make up human personality, and investigating how personality develops and how it influences people’s activities
Experimental Psychology
Field of specialization in which the primary activity is conducting research
Biological Psychology
Branch of neuroscience, also known as physiological psychology, that focuses on the relationship between behavior and physiological events within the brain and the rest of the nervous system
Clinical Psychology
Area of specialization involved in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral problems
Counseling Psychology
Area of specialization involved in the diagnosis and treatment of problems of adjustment (counseling psychologists tend to focus on less serious problems than do clinical psychologists; they often work in settings such as schools)