Chapter 8- later adulthood Flashcards
What’s the life expectancy for men and women?
women: 83.6 years
men: 79.3 years
What are the dimensions of age?
- chronological age
- physical age
- psychological age
- social age
Explain independance versus dependance
The ability to remain independant is related to both the financial status and the physical and mental condition of the older individual. Men are helped by their wives and women from their daughters.
Explain connectedness versus separteness
The struggle for independance reflects tension between the desire for connectedness and separetness, older people value their relationships with their family but they also wish to maintain their own unique lifestyle
explain openness versus privateness
privacy may become precious for retirement, widowhood, sickness etc
living in a nursing home makes that impossible
What are living arrangements for seniors?
92% in private household
56% as part of a couple
7-8% live in institutions
What are health care problems concerning seniors?
Those over 75 are more likely to have a chronic health problem or disability. most common are vision, mobility and memory problems
Whats the pourcentage of grandparents in canada?
77% aged 65 and older are grandparents
The grandparent/grandchil relationship is influenced by:
- Geographic proximity
- Frequency of contact
- Relationship between the grandparent and their own child
What are 3 styles of grandparenting?
Remote, Companionate, Involved
Grandparents face several challenges when they take over childcare:
- they may lack the energy
- grandchildren may have suffered from family breakup and have emotional issues
- They are not recognized as the legal guardian
Canadian retirement income system made up of 3 pillars:
Government public pension for those aged 57
-guarenteed income supplement if individual has little or no other retirement income(canada pension plan)
Payments based on how much an individual contributed over their lifetime of working
-private pensions and savings
Company pensions and RRSP’s
Women are more disadvantaged due to:
- Women are more likely to work partime
- Usually do not work as many years as men and take time off for children
- more women than men work in service occupations where there are no pensions
- women earn less
Median retirement age has changed:
retirement satisfaction depends on choice to retire, health status and financial status
Having a partner is associated with many benefits for older canadians:
- sharing retirement activities
- greater economic resouce
- companionship and support
What are the affects economically of being widowed?
- drop in income
- costs surrounding death
- women have fewer financial resources
Explain aboriginal people in middle years.
traditionally, the grandparent generation was responsible for socializing the children, in recent years there has been a renewal of interest in traditonal aboriginal ways
Explain intergrity vs despair
Reflecting on one’s life and finding a sense of meaning and purpose vs. feeling that life has no purpose and sinking into despair
What’s the developmental task of old age?
to accept the shift of roles and allow the next generation to take over leadership in private and public life
without a sense that life has has meaning and purpose the individual falls into despair
What are some future concerns?
- The oldest members of the baby boom are retiring, since the birth rate is down, there a fewer younger canadians to offset the increase in seniors
- Number of canadians who need care will increase