Chapter 15-family poverty Flashcards
Canada is characterized by income inequality:
- poorest quintile has access to 4% of income
- richest quintile has access to 47% of income
What’s absolute poverty?
Lacking the minimum basic requirements necessary for physical survival
What’s relative poverty?
Based on social well-being in addition to physical survival
-compares individuals or families to others in the population
What is the market basket measure?
Cost of a basket of goods that includes food,shelter,clothing and basic needs, accounting for regional variation
Most commonly used definition is statistics Canada low-income cutoff which is?
- takes into account family size,up to seven members, and community size
- poverty lines set set at a level where a family needs to spend more than 70% of its income on food,clothing and shelter
- this is a relative measure based on relation to income of the average Canadian
What are the 3 factors that influence the impact of poverty?
Depth-the amount a family or individual income is below the poverty line
Breadth- other aspects associated with poverty(e.g. Illiteracy,poor health, physical insecurity)
Duration- how long poverty lasts
What’s the percentage of Canadians that live below the poverty line?
9 to 14 percent
Who makes up the largest single group of poor people in Canada?
Children, 15-19% of all children in Canada
In 1989 when the House of Commons passed resolution to eliminate child poverty by the year 2000, what was the child poverty rate?
Who is poor?
- one earner families
- female lone parents
- young unattached parents
- new immigrants
- aboriginal families
- individuals with disabilities
- older women
- lower level of education
- living in large city
- living on social benefits
The homeless include:
Two-parent families,single parents and their children,single women, older persons, and young people
What’s are the 3 different groups among the homeless?
- those who are chronically homeless and often have chronic illness/disability including substance abuse problems
- cyclically homeless because of job loss,family violence,release from prison
- temporarily homeless because of marital separation or a disaster such as a fire
What are stressors that families experience?
- parents worry about providing for children
- couple relationships impacted
- parenting ability impacted
How much earlier will a man and women die earlier than a middle class person?
What’s the impact of poverty on children?
- health(low birth weight,poor nutrition, crowded housing)
- education(fewer “enrichment activities, miss school, drop out)
What’s the high scope perry preschool study?
-longitudinal study that demonstrated positive impact of high quality preschool education programming
What’s some solutions to poverty?
- Affordable shelter
- higher minimum wages
- adequate rates of income assistance
What’s the social safety net?
Social security programs needed to support family life
What’s a means test?
A method of screening applicants to ensure that only those who need financial assistance receive it