Chapter 5 -Children in the family Flashcards
Why declining fertility?
- Increased education and labour force participation by women
- Increased age at child bearing
- decreased infant mortality
- Later age at marriage
- Increased divorce rates
- Improved birth control
- Economic factors(182000$ to raise a child)
- Psychosocial reasons
What are psychosocial reasons?
Instrumental assisatance, reqarding interactions, psychological appreciation, costs
Explain the one-child family
2 million candians with one child, 70% increase since 1971, families with one child are the most common,”spoiled” child is a myth
Explain voluntary Childlessness
Outsiders may want to know why someone remains childless, those women are often considered antisocial, 45% remain childless and 8% choose not to have children
What are concerns the voluntary childlessness couples have?
fear marital relationship may be damaged
having to give up the equality they have established in marriage relationship if there is a child
some women don’t want to sacrifice career
some people don’t have a partner to have kids with
Whats adoption?
The legal transfer of parental rights from birth parents to adoptive parents
Whats open adoption?
A form of adoption where the adoptive parents and the birth parents know each other and exchange information
Whats closed adoption?
The biological and adoptive parents know little or nothing of each other
Whats foster care?
The provision of care by a family, other than a parent or guardian of a child, approved and arranged by a child welfare authority, children tend to be older and have more problems
Whats the percentage of foster children in Canada?
2011 -5%(29 590) and approximately 85000 are currently in foster care in canada
Whats involuntary childlessness?
The condition of wanting to conceive and bear a child but being physically unable to do so(unable to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sex) usually women feel the lack of children more than men now there is more options for infertile people
What are assisted reproductive technologies?
Surrogacy, Artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, donor IVF
What ethical issues do reproductive technologies raise?
commercializes reproduction, dehumanizes prospective parents and children when performed for profit, legal issues with parental rights,
What are some important questions with reproductive technology?
Do surrogate mothers understand what they are agreeing to?How long should frozen embryos be kept? What should be done with embryos if the parents die?
What happens when one parent no longer wants a child?
Should these parents be tested to see if they are qualified to become a parent?
What’s artificial insemination?
the practice of using sperm from a donor to fertilize an egg
What’s female feticide?
The practice of aborting a female fetus