Chapter 8: infertility and abortion Flashcards
what is primary vs secondary infertility?
primary: woman have never conceived
secondary: iapplies to a woman who has been pregnant in the past
what causes male infertility?
- can be caused by hormonal disorders
- testicular factors such as undescended testes, hypospadias, varicocele (varicose vein of the scrotum)
what causes female infertility?
- ovarian factors
- tubal and peritoneal factors
- uterine factors
what are the 4 goals of treatment for infertility?
1) provide accurate information about human reproduction, infertility, treatment and prognosis or pregnancy
2) identify and treat cause of infertility
3) provide emotional support
4) guide and educate those who fail to conceive biologically on other forms of treatment
what are assessments done for female for infertility?
- history and physical (BMI)
- diagnostic test: evaluation of anatomy, detection of ovulation, hormone analysis
what is hysterosalpingograph?
the thing used when I had BV and they put the clear thing in the vagine to open it up and do their thing
useful for identification of tubal obstruction and for the
release of blockage
what is laparoscopy?
they insert a pen like machine with a light and an eye piece and look at your sexual organs
what assessments is done for men?
- semen analysis
- sperm penetration assay
- hormone analysis
what assessments is done for men?
- semen analysis
- sperm penetration assay
- hormone analysis
what assessment is done as a couple?
postcoital test
what’s included in a nursing care plan for infertility?
1) psychosocial ; grieving
2) non-medical : relaxation, stress management, nutrition and exercise
3) medical :pharmacological
- CLOMIPHENE CITRATE w/possible addition of metformin is often the initial pharmacological treatment of the infertile patient
- thyroid issues corrected with medications
what is assisted human reproduction?
Assisted human reproduction:
- fertility treatments in which medical procedures are used to assist with
getting someone pregnant
these can include
- fertility drugs
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
What is GIFT?
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT). A: Through laparoscopy a ripe follicle is
located, and fluid containing the egg is removed. B: The sperm and egg are placed
separately in the uterine tube, where fertilization occurs
what are the 3 ways to adopt?
1) Public adoption of a child in the care of provincial welfare authority
2) Private domestic adoption
3) International adoption
what is aborition?
intentional interruption of pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation
it includes:
1) preserving the life or health of pregnant mother
2) genetic disorders of the fetus
3) sexual assault
4) the pregnant woman’s request
can nurses refuse abortion info to pt?
no the CNA code of ethics makes nurses responsible to counsel patients about their options and make appropriate referrals
what are the nurses responsibilities in terms of abortion for pts?
1) Has an understanding of alternatives, the types of abortions
2) Expected recovery
3) Has informed consent and misinformation and gaps in knowledge should be addressed
what is first trimester abortion?
- surgical
- medication (mifepristone/misoprostol/methotrazate)
what about second trimester?
dilation and evacuation used
medical induction also used such as the meds in first trimester and hypertonic/uterotonic agents
what about second trimester?
dilation and evacuation used
medical induction also used such as the meds in first trimester and hypertonic/uterotonic agents