Chapter 8: Infant Nutrition Flashcards
Full-Term Infants
Infants born between 37 and 42 weeks gestation.
Preterm Infants
Infants born before 37 weeks gestation.
Infant Mortality
Death that occurs within the first year of life.
Early Periodic Screening, Detection, and Treatment Program (EPSDT)
A part of Medicaid and provides routine checkups for low-income families.
Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)
Fetal under-growth from any cause, resulting in a disproportionality in weight, length, or weight-for-length, or weight-for-length percentiles for gestational age.
An automatic (unlearned) response that is triggered by a specific stimulus.
Rooting Reflex
Action that occurs if one cheek is touched, resulting in the infant’s head turning toward that cheek and the infant opening it’s mouth.
A reflexive movement of the tongue moving forward and backward; earliest feeding skill.
An early learning system in which the infant’s senses and motor skills provide input to the central nervous system.
Short-Chain Fats
Carbon molecules that provide fatty acids less than 6 carbons long as products of energy generation from fat breakdown inside cells. Short-chain fatty acids are not usually found in foods.
Medium-Chain Fats
Carbon molecules that provide fatty acids with 6-10 carbons, again not typically found in foods.
Long-Chain Fats
Carbon molecules that provide fatty acids with 12 or more carbons, which are commonly found in foods.
Intracellular unit in which fatty acid breakdown takes place and many enzyme systems for energy production inside cells are regulated.
Discontinuation of breastfeeding or bottle-feeding and substitution of food for breast milk or infant formula. Should be completed around 12-24 months of age.
Foods or products that have a low risk of promoting food or other allergies.
Failure to Thrive (FTT)
Condition of inadequate weight or height gain thought to result from an energy deficit, whether or not the cause can be identified as a health problem.
Developmental Disabilities
General term used to group specific diagnoses that limit daily living and functioning and occur before age 21.
A condition marked by a sudden onset of irritability, fussiness, or crying in a young infant between 2 weeks and 3 months of age who is otherwise growing and healthy.
Hydrolyzed Protein Formula
Formula that contains enzymatically digested protein, or single amino acids, rather than protein as it naturally occurs in food.
A form of sugar or carbohydrate composed of galactose and glucose.
A rare genetic condition of carbohydrate metabolism in which a blocked or inactive enzyme does not allow breakdown of galactose, causing serious illness in infant.
Condition in which thyroid hormone is not produced in sufficient quantities, interfering with growth and mental development if untreated in infants.
Motor Development
Muscle control and development happens head to toe and central to peripheral. Influences caloric need and ability to self feed.
20 kcal/oz
Total amount of kcal needs divided by 20 equals the amount of ounces to give to infant
Infant Energy Needs-First Year
1st 6 months: 108 kcal/kg
2nd 6 months: 98 kcal/kg
Factors that Impact Energy Needs
Weight Rate of growth Sleep/wake cycles Climate Physical activity Metabolic efficiency Health
Protein Needs in Infants
1st 6 months: 1.52 g/kg 2nd 6 months: 1.2 g/kg Book and Review: 1st 6 months: 2.2 g/kg 2nd 6 months: 1.6 g/kg
Fat Needs in Infants
55% fat with more short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids than formula
Fluoride Needs in Infants
Needed for optimal tooth structure, but poorly transferred into HM
Vitamin D Needs in Infants
10 mcg/day (400 IU) needed for bone development
Sodium Needs in Infants
Infants are at risk for hyponatremia when rehydrating.
Developmental Readiness for Solid Foods
4-6 months of age
Baby demonstrates interest in food
Can control head and sit upright with support
Tongue extrusion reflex should be diminishing
Drinking from a Cup
Infants ready to try around 6-8 months
Water/other fluids needed to offset increase in RSL
First Foods
Rice cereal with Fe made with water or HM. It’s hypoallergenic and easy to digest
Follow with other single grains
Then single ingredient fruits/veggies
Juice/water and meats at 6-9 months of age
Chopped table/finger food at 9-12 months
Best Method for Introducing Foods
One new food at a time
Wait 2-3 days before trying the next new food
Some experts say wait to introduce wheat because it can sometimes be allergenic
Allow infant to dictate amount eaten; watch for cues that infant is finished eating
Do initiate solids by 6 months (important part of oral/motor development)
Fluoride Supplement
Needed if infant is living in an area of non-fluoridated water or in exclusively HM fed infants after 4-6 months of age.
Iron Supplement
May be needed if mother was anemic.
Vitamin B12 Supplement
If mother is vegan.
Vitamin D Supplement
Needed in HM fed infant unless sun exposure is common.
Organic FTT
Medical reason can be found.
Nonorganic FTT
No identifiable reason.
Preterm Formula
Preterm specific amino acids are added. Higher nutrient density vs. term formula. Kcals usually 22-24 kcal/oz. MCT is the fat source. Higher protein, vitamins, and minerals than term formula.
Transitional Formula
For going home until 6-9 months of age
22 kcals/oz
Neosure Advance and Enfamil Lipil 22