Chapter -8 Higher Level Thinking Flashcards
Higher level thinking
Higher order thinking refers to a more advanced level of thoughts than that used to acquire factual knowledge.
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Analysis ( analytical thinking)- Breaking down information to identify it’s essential parts and underlying elements.
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Synthesis [integrative thinking)- breaking up ideas by connecting them to form a larger whole or more comprehensive system
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Application or applied thinking- putting thinking into practice to solve problems and resolve issues
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Multidimensional thinking – viewing issues from a variety of vantage points to gain a more complete or comprehensive perspective It includes: Perspective of person ( self) Perspective of place Perspective of time Perspective of culture.
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Balanced thinking – carefully considering arguments for and against a particular position or viewpoint
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Critical thinking or evaluation – judging the quality of arguments, conclusions and thought processes – including all forms of thinking on this list
7 major forms of higher level thinking
Creative thinking – generating ideas that are unique, original or distinctively different
Definitive evidence
So strong or compelling that a definite conclusion should be reached.
Suggestive evidence
Strong enough to suggest that a tentative or possible conclusion may be reached.
Inconclusive evidence
Too weak to reach any conclusion.
Standards for evaluating ideas or arguments ( critical thinking)
Validity- truthfulness. Is it true or accurate?
Morality- ethics. Is it fair or just?
Beauty- aesthetics. Does it have artistic merit or value?
Practicality- usefulness. Can it be put to use for practical or beneficial purpose?
Priority- order of importance or effectiveness. Is it better than other ideas and alternative courses of action?
2 major ways in which we use inferential reasoning to make Armand reach conclusions are
Logical reasoning Citing empirical ( observable) evidence .
Logical reasoning
Reaching a conclusion by showing that it logically follows from or is logically consistent with an established premise.
Example: if statement A is true , then it can be concluded that statement B is also true.
empirical ( observable) evidence .
Reaching a conclusion by showing that it is supported by statistical data or scientific research findings.
Example: based on evidence A, it can be concluded that B is true.
Logical fallacies
Inferential reasoning errors.
Major types of logical fallacies
Non sequitur- drawing a conclusion that doesn’t follow form Or connect with the premise -initial statement or observation
Major types of logical fallacies
Selective perception- Seeing only examples and instances that support one’s position while over looking those that contradict it.
Major types of logical fallacies
Dogmatism- stubbornly clinging to a personal point of view supported by evidence while remaining close minded to other viewpoints better supported by evidence
Major types of logical fallacies
Double standards- having two sets of judgment standards a higher standard for judging others a lower standard for judging yourself
Major types of logical fallacies
Wishful thinking – thinking something is true not because of logical evidence, but because the person wants it to be true
Major types of logical fallacies
Hasty generalization- reaching a conclusion prematurely on the basis of a limited number of instances or expedience
Major types of logical fallacies
Jumping in conclusion – making a leap of logic to a conclusion that is based on a single reason while ignoring other possible reasons or contributing factors
Major types of logical fallacies
False cause and effect(aka correlational error)- concluding that if 2 things occur at about the same time or in close sequence, one must cause the other.
Major types of logical fallacies
False analogy- concluding that if 2 things are alike in one respect, they must be a like in another respect.
Major types of logical fallacies
Glittering generality –making a positive, general statement that isn’t supported by specific details or evidence
Major types of logical fallacies
Straw man argument – distorting an opponents argument or position and then attacking it.
Major types of logical fallacies
Ad Hominem argument- attacking the person, not the persons argument
Major types of logical fallacies
Red Herring- bringing up an irrelevant issue that disguises or distracts attention from the Real issue being discussed or debated
Major types of logical fallacies
Smoke screen - intentionally disguising or camouflaging the truth by providing confusing on misleading explanations.
Major types of logical fallacies
Slippery slope – using fear tactics to argue that not accepting a position will result in a domino effect that is bad things would happen one after another- like a series of falling Domino’s.
Major types of logical fallacies
Rhetorical deception- using deceptive language to conclude that something is true without actually providing reasons or evidence.
Major types of logical fallacies
Circular reasoning- aka “ Begging the question “ - drawing a conclusion by merely rewording or restating one’s position without providing any supporting reasons or evidence, thus leaving the original question unanswered.
Major types of logical fallacies
Appealing to the authority or prestige- believing that authority figure of celebrity says it’s true, it must be true.
Major types of logical fallacies
Appealing to tradition or familiarity- concluding that if something has been considered to be true for a long time, or always has been done in a certain way, it must be true or must be the best way to do it.
Major types of logical fallacies
Appealing to popularity or the majority- aka jumping on the bandwagon- believing that if an idea is popular or held by the majority of people, it must be true.
Major types of logical fallacies
Appealing to emotion- believing in something based on the emotional intensity of our reaction to an argument, rather than the quality of reasoning or evidence used to support the argument.
Creative thinking
When you generate something new or different – an original idea, strategy, or work product you are thinking creatively.
Divergent thinking
A form of creative thinking that allows you to go off in different directions and generate diverse ideas.
Convergent thinking
A form of critical thinking in which you converge or focus in and narrow down the ideas, evaluating each of them for their effectiveness.
The process of brainstorming
- Generate as many ideas as you can, jotting them down rapidly without stopping to evaluate their validity or practicality.
- Review the ideas you generated and use them as a springboard to trigger additional ideas or combine them into larger ideas.
- After you run out of ideas, critically evaluate the list of ideas you have generated and eliminate those that you think are least effective.
- From the remaining list of ideas, choose the best idea or best combination of ideas.
Using higher-level thinking skills improve academic performance
- Connect ideas you acquired in class with related ideas found in your assigned reading.
- When listening to lectures and completing reading assignments, pay attention not only to the content being covered but also the thought process used to cover the content.
- Periodically pause to reflect on your own thinking process .
Strategies for increasing creativity
Be flexible Be experimental Get mobile Get it down Get diverse Take breaks Recognize the problem Be persistent
Key benefits of developing higher-level thinking skills
- Higher-level thinking is essential for success in today’s information age - a time when information is being generated at faster rates than at any other time in history.
- higher-level thinking skills are vital for citizens in a democratic nation.
- higher level thinking is an important safeguard against prejudice, discrimination and hostility.
- higher-level thinking helps preserve mental and physical health.