Chapter -3 Goal Setting And Motivation Flashcards
Success involves
A sequence of actions that lead to a desired outcome.
The process starts with identifying an end goal, and then finding a means to reach that goal.
The SMART method of goal setting
Specific Meaningful and measurable Actionable or action oriented Realistic Time framed
It states precisely what the goal is, targets what exactly needs to be done to achieve it, and provides a clear picture of successfully reaching the goal looks like.
Meaningful and measurable
The gold really matters to you and the progress you’re making towards the goal can be clearly measured
Action oriented
The actions or behaviors that would be taken to reach your goal are clearly specified
There is a good chance of reaching the goal, given the time, effort and skills needed to get there.
Time framed
The goal has a deadline plus a timeline or timetable that includes short-range ( daily), midrange [weekly], and long-range [monthly] steps
The smart process can be used to set goals in any areas of your life or dimensions of personal development such as:
Self management- Time management, money management
Physical development – health and fitness goals
Social development – relationship goals
Emotional development – stress management or anger management goals.
Intellectual development – learning and critical thinking goals
Career development – career exploration and preparation goals
Any other elements of holistic development.
Get better goals
Goals that emphasize growth, rather than perfection.
Goals that give us a sense of accomplishment about how far we have come even when we still have a long way to go
Effective goal setters focus on
Outcomes they have influence and control over, not on outcomes thaT are beyond their control.
Effective goal setters set goals that are
Challenging and effort full.
Effective goal setters anticipate
Obstacles they may encounter along the path to their goal and have a plan in place for dealing with them.
Means to move
Strategies for maintaining motivation and progress towards your goals
- Put your goals in writing and make them visible
- Keep your eye on the prize
- visualize completing the steps leading to your goal
- Keep a record of your progress
- Reward your self for reaching milestones on the path towards your goal
Self efficacy
Belief that you have power to produce a positive effect on the outcome of your life
Internal locus of control
They believe that the locus or location of control for events in there is Internal or inside them and within their control- rather than external or outside them and beyond their control.
Individuals with a strong internal locus of control are more likely to display the following positive qualities
- Greater independence and self direction
- More accurate self assessment of strength and weaknesses
- Higher level of learning and achievement
Jordans but they strong sense of academic self efficacy have been found to
- put considerable effort into their studies
- Use active learning strategies
- Capitalize on campus resources
- Persist in the face of obstacles
When you expend significant effort, energy, and sacrifice over a sustained period of time to achieve a goal, you’re demonstrating grit.
People with grit have been found to process the following qualities
They hang in there and persevere until they reach their goals
They pursue their goals with relentless determination.
They bounce back from setbacks and keep striving to reach their goals
Derives from the Greek word meaning “ to throw forward”
Meaning to trip or fall
Self discipline
People with grit have self control – they keep their actions aligned with their goals, staying on course and moving in the right direction despite distractions and temptations reviewed
Mind set
A powerful belief
Growth mindset
People with a growth mindset believe that in intelligence and other positive qualities can be grown are developed.