Chapter-2 Liberal Arts And General Education Flashcards
Liberal arts
The component of a college education that represents the essential foundation or backbone for the college curriculum,which is designed to a equip students with a versatile set of skills that promotes their success in any academic major or career fitted
Major bodies of knowledge in the liberal arts curriculum
Humanities Fine arts Mathematics Natural sciences social and behavioral sciences Physical health and Wellness
Humanities includes
Literature philosophy Theology English composition Speech Language
Fine arts:
Visual arts
Music arts
performing arts
Natural sciences
Biology chemistry physics Geology Astronomy
Social and behavioral sciences
History political science sociology Anthropology Geography Economics
Physical health and wellness
Physical education
Drug education
The liberal arts broadens your world view by
- Expanding your social spatial perspective which includes:
Individual, family, community, society, culture, nation, International, global, universe
2.expanding your chronological perspective which includes:
Historical ( past)
Contemporary [present)
Futuristic (future)
Synoptic perspective
Integrating multiple perspectives into a coherent whole.
Syn means together
Optic means to see
So, see things together.
Key elements of Holistic ( whole person) development
Self awareness and self development includes the following dimensions of self: Intellectual Emotional Social Ethical Physical Spiritual Vocational Personal
Acquiring broad based knowledge, learning how to learn, and learning how to think critically.
Understanding, managing, and expressing emotions
Improving the quality and depth of interpersonal relationships
Building moral character- making sound ethical judgments,developing a clear value system for guiding personal decision, and demonstrating consistency between beliefs and actions.
Acquiring knowledge about the human body and applying that knowledge to prevent diseases, promote wellness, and achieve peak performance
Devoting attention to the big question such as the meaning or purpose of life, the inevitably of death, and the origins of human life and the natural world.
Exploring career options and pursuing a career path that capitalizes on your talents, interest and values
Developing a strong sense of personal identity, a coherent self-concept, and the capacity to manage personal affairs and resources.
Co curriculum
Taking advantage of learning opportunities available to you outside the classroom.
Dimensions of holistic ( whole person)
Development promoted by co curricular programs and student development services
Intellectual development Ethical development Physical development Spiritual development Vocational development Personal development
Intellectual development
Learning center College library Academic advising Tutoring services Information technology services Campus speakers Academic skills development workshop Concerts, theater performances, and art shows
Ethical development
Judicial review board
student government
Integrity committees and task forces
Physical development
Student health services
wellness programs
campus Athletics activities and intramural sports
Spiritual development
Campus ministry
Peer ministry
Religious services
Vocational development
Career development services Internship programs Service learning experiences Work-study programs Major and career fairs
Personal development
Financial aid services and workshops
Self-management workshops managing time and money
Student development workshops and retreats
Transferable skills developed by the liberal arts
Critical and creative thinking
Communication – written communication, oral communication,Reading, listening, and technology.
Quantitative skills
Information literacy skills
Critical and creative thinking
Ability to evaluate the validity of ideas and arguments and the capacity to think innovatively
Written communication
Writing in a clear, creative and persuasive manner
Oral communication
Speaking concisely confidently and eloquently
Comprehending ,interpreting ,and evaluating the literal and figurative meaning of language written in various styles and subjects
Comprehending spoken language actively accurately and empathtically
Using electronic media to effectively deliver and process ideas
Quantitative skills
Ability to calculate, analyze, summarize, interpret, and evaluate quantitative information or statistical data.
Information literacy skills
Ability to access, retrieve, evaluate information from various sources including in print and online systems
Integrative learning
Ability to apply knowledge and skills to real world settings.
Practical benefits of liberal arts
Promoting career mobility
Career advancement
Prepare you for life roles other than a occupation, including roles such as family members, community members, and citizen .
Prepare you for life.