Chapter 8: Career Development Flashcards
A pattern of practices or customs that are unsound or inconsistent with ethical business, fiscal, or healthcare practices or customs.
The process by which an external entity reviews an organization or program of study to determine if the organization or program meets certain predetermined standards.
The study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
Career development
An organized planning method used to form an individual’s work identity.
The process or action of providing an individual with an official document attesting to their status or level of achievement.
Code of ethics
A written list of a profession’s values and standards of conduct.
The sharing of information between two or more people as a way to convey meaning.
The obligation of healthcare providers to not disseminate patient information beyond proper channels.
Conflict of interest
A clash between an individual’s selfish interests and his or her obligations to an organization, group, or persons.
Serious disagreements or arguments.
Continuing education
The process by which a professional seeks recurrent learning activities and training beyond the initial license or certificate because health care is always changing.
The action of belittling or criticizing the skills, knowledge, or qualifications of another professional.
The process of entering a description of a patient’s history, condition, diagnostic and therapeutic treatment, and results of treatment.
The formal study of moral choices that conform to standards of conduct.
The intentional deception of another person to that person’s detriment.
Health record
An ordered set of documents or a collection of data that contains a complete and accurate description of a patient’s history, condition, diagnostic and therapeutic treatment, and results of treatment.
Health team
A team of health personnel, each with a specialized function, brought together in accordance with the needs of the client and his or her family.
Healthy behavior
An action taken to attain, maintain, or regain good health and to prevent illness.
Infection control
A discipline focusing on preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.
A right conferred by a governmental body to practice an occupation or provide a service.
Professional misconduct.
Medical math
The application of mathematical computations related to healthcare procedures.
Medical terminology
Specialized terminology used in medicine that allows healthcare providers to communicate specific details of a patient’s condition in a precise manner.
The failure to do something that a reasonably prudent person would do in the same or similar situation; alternatively, doing something that a reasonably prudent person would not do in the same or similar situation.