Chapter 8 B Flashcards
I’ve almost got if fully functional. Excet that it still sort of _______________________ every once in a while.
gooses you
You know your mother. She’s kind of naïve about these sorts of things. His upper lip is ______________
beading with sweat
goose you once in a while
verb. To goose someone is defined as to pinch the person in the buttocks. When you pinch a girl’s buttocks, this is an example of to goose.
I’m sure you do. I just… you know… we’ve never really had… the talk, you and me. You know. Officially. He wipes the ______________ from his lip
He wipes the perspiration from his lip. Then takes another ____________
gulp of beer
The air feels like it’s all __________________ in here.
breathed up
I open them partway, half expecting to see him tugging his pants down and _____________________________ so he can perform his demonstration
working up a proud one
Instead he drains his beer and places the empty bottle between his legs. ______________________
Thank God for small favours
He carefully tears one of the condom _____________ from the chain
All of a sudden he’s gone from being completely embarrassed to totally practical, like we’ve dived into the ocean, and he’s over the fact that it’s freezing cold, and it’s now ready to ____________
verb: bodysurf; 3rd person present: bodysurfs; past tense: bodysurfed; past participle: bodysurfed; gerund or present participle: bodysurfing; verb: body-surf; 3rd person present: body-surfs; past tense: body-surfed; past participle: body-surfed; gerund or present participle: body-surfing
float on the crest of incoming waves without using a board.
He carefully teras one of the condom pakckets from the ________
Then you want to make sure the packet hasn’t been __________________
Can you at least take the bottle _____________ your legs
out from between
Because if you don’t learn how to do it now, the right way, you sure as hell aren’t oing to be able to do it properly when it’s dark and you are all ____________________ in the back seat of a car
hopped up
Good DAd says, gesturing _______________________________. NOw that we are suitably ___________________, we can o about our business
at his success; sheathed
Ohmygod! Angela _____________, her eyes bugging