chapter 23 Flashcards
the girls have already filled in all the easy stuff–first and last name, phone number ,home address, date of birth and left all the __________ for me
Doozy” is often used to mean “troublesome” or “problematic,” but it can also be used with a positive meaning. It means “extraordinary.” It’s probably an alteration of the “daisy” flower, and started in 18th-century England as a slang word.
Drugs or drug-related items. Ex: weed, pipe, rolling papers, tin foil (heavily smoldered), baggies, visine, etc.
miss jerooni looks up from her newspaper when she hears my footsteps. She _________ slightly, like she can still smell the beef boms I _____ in here MOnday
recoils; let off
I smile big at Miss JErooni as I sign in. She _______- her newspaper and goes back to reading
I swing off my backpack and __________
pop and squat
look, if your soda explodes it ________________ as much as you
narcs me out
oh crap. not cool, coop. You can’t be _______ like that.
slipping up
put through the wringer
Fig. to give someone a difficult time; to interrogate someone thoroughly. (Alludes to putting something through an old-fashioned clothes wringer.) The lawyer really put the witness through the wringer!
make 3 sentences with put through the wringer
Fig. to give someone a difficult time; to interrogate someone thoroughly. (Alludes to putting something through an old-fashioned clothes wringer.) The lawyer really put the witness through the wringer!
she ___________________, her eyes narrowed to slits. what the hell’s that supposed to mean
turns on me
she turns on me, her eyes narroed to slits. what the hell’s that supposed to mean?
I _____ back. It doesn’t mean anything. Geez. I was just… making concersation.
reel back
I don’t have special needs, Coop.\Ka-ching, another one _______________
bites the dust
bite the dust
bite the dust
phrase of bite
be killed.
“and the bad guys bite the dust with lead in their bellies”
synonyms: die, pass away/on, expire, decease, perish, depart this life, be no more, breathe one’s last, draw one’s last breath, meet one’s end, meet one’s death, meet one’s Maker, give up the ghost, go to the great beyond, cross the great divide, shuffle off this mortal coil, go the way of the/all flesh, go to one’s last resting place; More
fail or come to an end.
“she hoped the new program would not bite the dust for lack of funding”
synonyms: fail, be unsuccessful, not succeed, lack success, fall through, fall flat, break down, abort, miscarry, be defeated, suffer defeat, be in vain, be frustrated, collapse, founder, misfire, backfire, not come up to scratch, meet with disaster, come to grief, come to nothing, come to naught, miss the mark, run aground, go astray; More
make 3 sentences with bite the dust
bite the dust
phrase of bite
be killed.
“and the bad guys bite the dust with lead in their bellies”
synonyms: die, pass away/on, expire, decease, perish, depart this life, be no more, breathe one’s last, draw one’s last breath, meet one’s end, meet one’s death, meet one’s Maker, give up the ghost, go to the great beyond, cross the great divide, shuffle off this mortal coil, go the way of the/all flesh, go to one’s last resting place; More
fail or come to an end.
“she hoped the new program would not bite the dust for lack of funding”
synonyms: fail, be unsuccessful, not succeed, lack success, fall through, fall flat, break down, abort, miscarry, be defeated, suffer defeat, be in vain, be frustrated, collapse, founder, misfire, backfire, not come up to scratch, meet with disaster, come to grief, come to nothing, come to naught, miss the mark, run aground, go astray; More
dys·lex·i·aDictionary result for dyslexia
a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.
she did all this research and would _______ the names of every famous person who ever overcame any kind of educational disability
rattle off
make 3 sentences with rattle off
rattle off. Also, reel off . Utter or perform rapidly or effortlessly, often at length. For example, The treasurer rattled off the list of all those who had not paid their dues , or She reeled off song after song .
all it took weas her threatening to send me to a special school for me to ___________ and maintain a healthy d average
pick up the slack
anyway isay. if i had to guess, i would have _____ you as one of those kids who skipped a grade
pegged you
and all the ____________ glory in the world won’t be enough to save my _______________ reputation
rock-and-roll; demolished