chapter 1 1 Flashcards
My cheeks and nose are numbed by the damp air as I ride my bike through the mist ___________________
that rises off the asphalt
I remember litetning to the rain last night, in between _________________________, and praying that it would ________________ before I had to go to school this morning
bouts of fitful sleep; let up
The ____________________ demo whispers to me from my backpack
past tense: pilfered; past participle: pilfered
steal (typically things of relatively little value).
Okay. Be caszh. The demo isn’t talking to me. That’s ridiculous. I am the baron of bull. This is no big deal. I’ve been dishonest to teachers my entire life.
But never __________________, the demo warns
on this scale before
There’s not a chance in hell Mr. Grossman will be able to tell that I ___________ these songs
I take the turn onto Division Avenue, my tires _________________________
slooshing through a puddle
I had to lie to Matt and SEan so they wouldn’t be wondering why I couldn’t ride to school with them today. I told them I had early ___________
It’s weird. I can’t remember ever having actually _____ lied to my buds before
flat out
It’s their fault I’m having to jump through all these _______
If they’d showed up last night, like I asked, none of this __________________ would be necessary
The hallways are pretty _________________ when I step into the school
It’s funny how long and bright the hallways seem when there aren’t’ a billion kids _______________________
jostling to get to class
And how everything smells like _______________________ and wet newspaper
fresh pencil shavings
I am hoping that Mr. Grossman won’t be in the chorus room so I can slide the demo and entry form under the door without having to do a _______________-
face to face
Mary Mary she’s so hairy! Dad sings loudly, __________________ the voice of the demo
drowning out
He gestures toward me. HIs hand looks enormous. Like it could reach out and ____________
snap my neck
Here I pass the ____________________ to him, keeping my distance
jewel case off
I can tell by Mr Grossman’s _______________________ that he doesn’t like my answer
curdled expression
chum the fish
chum the fish
v. To vomit, particularly a foul mixture of liquid and food particles, such as the nefarious buckets of fish blood and guts spooned into the sea by fisherman to attract fish.