chapter 32 Flashcards
ki·bosh /ˈkīˌbäSH/ INFORMAL noun 1. put an end to; dispose of decisively. "he put the kibosh on the deal" synonyms: put a stop to, check, curb, stop, halt, bring to an end, put an end to, nip in the bud, quash, block, cancel, scotch, thwart, frustrate, prevent, quell, suppress; More verb 1. decisively end or reject (something). "the presence of a submarine would kibosh the operation"
make 3 sentences with kibosh
ki·bosh /ˈkīˌbäSH/ INFORMAL noun 1. put an end to; dispose of decisively. "he put the kibosh on the deal" synonyms: put a stop to, check, curb, stop, halt, bring to an end, put an end to, nip in the bud, quash, block, cancel, scotch, thwart, frustrate, prevent, quell, suppress; More verb 1. decisively end or reject (something). "the presence of a submarine would kibosh the operation"
a scarf or cloth worn on the head, typically with its ends or corners tied together in the back.
“a young man dressed in baggy pants and a do-rag”
I notice Dad’s wearing a black satin bowling shirt with a flaming skull on the back and a red _________ on his head
What’s with the outfit
What? he glances down at himself. you don’t like my ________
I am just trying to get into the rock-and-roll ____________
a person’s state of mind or mindset.
“if you’re not in the right headspace for this stuff it’s going to bore you, no matter how well it’s done”
make 3 sentences with headspace
a person’s state of mind or mindset.
“if you’re not in the right headspace for this stuff it’s going to bore you, no matter how well it’s done”
but you listen to everything i say and we keep this _____________-
on the q.t
There is an excitetd ____________________ filling my cheset as I walk around the car, open the driver’s side door, and slide _____ the cracked ______________ seat
thrumming; onto; pleather
but even the fat ____ of pine tree air fresheners hanging from the stereo dial does nothing to mask the heavy scent of old coffee and _____ that permeates the air
deck; mildew
you ____ in real life, you don’t get to press the restart button
I am not an idiot. Yeah, well ______________
the jury’s still out on that one.
So now the first thing you want to do is check your surrounding. get the _______________, what’s the traffic like ___________
lay of the land; in the street
Any ______ old ladies that might dive onto your bumper so she can help fund her retirement account?
Any sue-happy old ladies that might _________ your bumper so she can help fund her retirement account
dive onto
fine, now put your foot on the brake, shift her ____ reverse and ________ the driveway
into; ease down
it takes a second to get the feel of the brakes. The car ____ a bit as we move into the street
you’ve injured your back
throwing my back out
I coast us safely ____ the road
I press down the gas and we __________
jolt forward
I can actually feel the weight of the car. The power of the engine. There’s an _____________________ about it, but also a dizzying terror
making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.
“an exhilarating two-hour rafting experience”
keep a _____ speed
dad has me make a couple of turns, though I hit my ____________ both times instead of my signal and i keep _________ than I should
wipers; swinging wider
as I approach a couple of kids on their bikes, my whole body _____________
tenses up
I steer around them–giving them a wide _______
nautical : sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship
Keep a clear berth of the shoals.
make 3 sentences with berth
nautical : sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship
Keep a clear berth of the shoals.
he adjust the _______________ on his head.
what about matt? you think he has any _________
Dad gestures ____ the green pickup truck headingtowrad us
Now careful. Watch this guy. You are ______ the middle of the street. You want to ______ over a little so he has plenty of room to pass
hogging; ease
keep or use all of (something) for oneself in an unfair or selfish way.
“he never hogged the limelight”
make three sentences with hog
keep or use all of (something) for oneself in an unfair or selfish way.
“he never hogged the limelight”
The ____________ us
bears down on us
bears down
bear down verb
Definition of bear down
transitive verb
intransitive verb
\: to exert full strength and concentrated attention bear down on 1 : EMPHASIZE 2 : to weigh heavily on : BURDEN Examples of bear down in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web
Hurricane Maria bore down on the Caribbean weeks later.
— Colleen Wright, miamiherald, “From Hurricane Irma to Parkland, was this the most stressful school year?,” 7 June 2018
Jose Altuve beared down and Odor’s foot missed second base.
— Chandler Rome, Houston Chronicle, “Astros squander opportunities against Rangers in first loss of season,” 30 Mar. 2018
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘bear down.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
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First Known Use of bear down
14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense
Learn More about bear down Share bear down Resources for bear down Dictionary Entries near bear down beard lichen
bear dog
bear down
Beardslee trout
Statistics for bear down
Last Updated
5 Apr 2019
Look-up Popularity
Bottom 40% of words
Time Traveler for bear down The first known use of bear down was in the 14th century
See more words from the same century
More Definitions for bear down
bear down intransitive verb
\ (ˈ)ba(ə)r-ˈdau̇n, (ˈ)be(ə)r- \
Medical Definition of bear down
: to contract the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm during childbirth
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make 3 sentences with bears down
bear down verb
Definition of bear down
transitive verb
intransitive verb
\: to exert full strength and concentrated attention bear down on 1 : EMPHASIZE 2 : to weigh heavily on : BURDEN Examples of bear down in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web
Hurricane Maria bore down on the Caribbean weeks later.
— Colleen Wright, miamiherald, “From Hurricane Irma to Parkland, was this the most stressful school year?,” 7 June 2018
Jose Altuve beared down and Odor’s foot missed second base.
— Chandler Rome, Houston Chronicle, “Astros squander opportunities against Rangers in first loss of season,” 30 Mar. 2018
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘bear down.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
See More
First Known Use of bear down
14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense
Learn More about bear down Share bear down Resources for bear down Dictionary Entries near bear down beard lichen
bear dog
bear down
Beardslee trout
Statistics for bear down
Last Updated
5 Apr 2019
Look-up Popularity
Bottom 40% of words
Time Traveler for bear down The first known use of bear down was in the 14th century
See more words from the same century
More Definitions for bear down
bear down intransitive verb
\ (ˈ)ba(ə)r-ˈdau̇n, (ˈ)be(ə)r- \
Medical Definition of bear down
: to contract the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm during childbirth
Comments on bear down
What made you want to look up bear down? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).
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he grabs the wheel pulling it down just as I _____ it to the right, causing us to ___________________
wrench; careen off the road
The car ____ and _______as we thump over the curb onto a lawn and into the midst of someone’s elaborae Halloween display
bucks and lurches
Tombstones and haystacks and skeletons and pumpkins and vampires are sent ____________________ before the station wagon finally _______ with a violent _______and a great big _________
hurtling thru the air; stalls out; shudder; belch
belch /belCH/ verb 1. emit gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth. synonyms: bring up wind; More
the bed-sheet remains of a ghost ___________________ the windshield, blocking out the light
ghost flutter down onto
my heart is doing __________ in my chest
gerund or present participle: clambering
climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet.
“I clambered out of the trench”
synonyms: scramble, climb, scrabble, move awkwardly, claw one’s way; More
make three sentences with clamber
gerund or present participle: clambering
climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet.
“I clambered out of the trench”
synonyms: scramble, climb, scrabble, move awkwardly, claw one’s way; More
ow! dad hollers goddamn it. you _________ me
butt (someone) with one’s head.
I’ve barely clicked my seat belt in when he ______________________ and ____ it
throws the car into gear and guns it
thyell make me pay for all that stupid foam and cardboard. probably _________ so they make a tidy profit
jack up the price
you think that ________ got our license plate
gee·zer /ˈɡēzər/ noun 1. INFORMAL•DEROGATORY an old man.
good. then we have not witnesses. we are ________
in the clear