Chapter 8 Flashcards
men in First Triumverate
Crassus, Pompey, Julius Caesar
Cicero was Rome’s greatest…?
public speaker
a rich people that greatly influenced the growth of Rome
plebian jobs
artisans, shopkeepers, owners of small farms
human-made channel for carrying water long distances
First Punic War (winner/loser/date)
Rome defeated Carthage in 241 B.C.
large farming estates worked by enslaved people
port city on the Bay of Naples
job of praetors
interpreted law & acted as judges
an island that is part of Italy
founders of the city of Rome
Romulus & Remus
group that could hold political office in early Rome
when Romans took over most of Italy
267 B.C.
Hadrian’s Wall (where and why)
built to defend Rome (keep out Picts & Scots in Britain)
important political reform in 287 B.C.
Council of Plebs could pass laws
helped Rome’s trade
Octavian’s title
significance of March 15, 44 B.C.
Ides of March–Caesar murdered
Twelve Tables
Rome’s first written laws
cause of Second Punic War
Carthage attacked Rome