Chapter 18 Flashcards
Sun King who ruled France for 72 years
Louis XIV
named the Pacific Ocean
Ferdinand Magellan
global exchange of people, goods, ideas, & diseases
Columbian Exchange
explanation of how something works based on facts
“I think, therefore I am”
Rene Descartes
religious belief based on reason
theorized planets moved in oval paths around the sun
Johannes Kepler
the idea that a country gains power by building up a supply of gold & silver
Portuguese prince who mapped Africa’s coastline
Henry the Navigator
device used to find latitude
system developed by Ptolemy
latitude & longitude
why the Portuguese brought enslaved Africans to the Cape Verde Islands
work in sugarcane fields
where Champlain set up a fur-trading post
when Great Britain recognized American independence
what English doctor William Harvey discovered
heart pumps blood through the body
Ptolemy’s theory about the sun & Earth
sun revolved around the Earth
greatest thinker of the Enlightenment
first science affected by the Scientific Revolution
when English Bill of Rights was written (during the…)
Glorious Revolution
what Spain demanded that made England & Spain go to war in the 1560s
Dutch had to remain Catholic