Chapter 19 Flashcards
radical government in France that wanted major changes
National Convention
Jacobins who sought to protect the interests of the middle class
organization of workers who unite to improve wages & working conditions
labor union
amendment that game women in U.S. the right to vote
19th Amendment
inventor of the light bulb, phonograph, etc.
Thomas Edison
French general who made himself emperor in 1804
Napoleon Bonaparte
won freedom for Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador
Simon Bolivar
the desire of a people with common language and customs to rule themselves
belief that all people have basic rights and freedoms
middle class, city workers, and peasants in France
Third Estate
members of the Second Estate in France
nobles-lived in luxury
event on July 14, 1789
people in Paris stormed (attacked) the Bastille
Monroe Doctrine promise
U.S. will stay out of Europe–Europe stay out of North America–protected Latin America
places undefeated by Napoleon
Britain & Russia
why German Catholics & German Protestants united
afraid of French military
where Industrial Revolution began
why revolutions swept across Europe in 1848
people wanted democratic reform
business that raises money by selling shares of stock to investors
why cities grew during Industrial Revolution
fewer workers needed on farms–more workers needed in factories
believed society should own factories, land, capital, and raw materials