Chapter 8 Flashcards
unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives
heads government agencies in investigating and attempting to prevent terrorist attacks on US soil
terrorist attach directed against agriculture, such as food supplies or livestock
a biological toxin made from castor beans
explosive that can be made from common household products without explosive laboratory equipment
Triactetone triperoxide (TATP)
biological agricultural threats that have natural reservoirs in nature
foot and mouth disease
___________ are the greatest WMD threat today
explosive materials react when they combine an _________ component with a ________ component
oxidizing, fuel
during an explosion, the pressure from the expanding gases compresses the surrounding atmosphere into a ______________
shock front
two phases to a blast pressure wave
positive pressure phase, negative pressure phase or suction phase
an explosion’s negative pressure phase lasts about ____ times longer than its positive pressure pahse
explosives are categorized by _________ _________ or rate of decompo
chemical reaction
two explosive divisions used in explosive attacks
Division 1.1, Division 1.4
explosive that decomposes rapidly (almost instantaneously) in a detonation that can include velocities faster than the speed of sound
High explosives
explosion with an energy front that travels faster than the speed of sound
materials decompose rapidly but do not produce an explosive effect unless they are confined
low explosives (slower than speed of sound)
to explode or burn quickly slower than the speed of sound
low explosives are placarded as DOT Division number ____
explosive that is easily initiated and highly sensitive to heat and usually used as detonators
primary explosives
designed to detonate only under specific circumstances usually by activation energy from a primary explosive
secondary explosives
high explosive that require initiation from a secondary explosive. (blasting agents)
tertiary explosives
responders typically stage ______ feet away from a suspected explosive material incident
1000 (300 meter)
____________ _________ oxidizers commonly take the form of a white crystal or powder that must be mixed with a fuel source
chlorate based
IED’s are typically categorized by their ___________ and the way in which they are initiated
Most common IED found in the US
pipe bombs
length of a pipe bomb ranges from _____________
4-14 inches
Pipe bombs can throw shrapnel up to __________ feet with lethal force
small IED device constructed of cardboard tubes, filled with flash powder and sealed at both ends and are ignited by fuses
M-80’s were made illegal in the US in ___________
carbon dioxide grenades are also known as ___________
bombs worn or carried by a suicide bomber
person-borne improvised explosive devices (PBIED)
first priority with a suicide bomber is to _________ and ___________ the area
clear, isolate
Only trained personnel from an equipped ___________________ unit should conduct the first approach of a suicide bomber
Explosive Ordinance Disposal
Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices often conceal explosives in the ___________
do not use two way radios, cell phones, or mobile data terminals within a minimum of _________ feet of any device or suspected device
deliberate release of toxic gas, liquid, or solid that can poison people and the environment
chemical attack
chemical substance intended for use in warfare or terrorist activities to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate people through it physiological effects
chemical agent
most toxic chemical warfare agents
nerve agents
Impure “G” nerve agents may have a slight ____________
fruity odor
VX nerve agent is __________
nerve agents are liquids at ambient temperatures and dispersed as an _____________ ___________
aerosolized liquid
ability of a substance to vaporize easily at a relatively low temperature
chemical agent that remains effective in the open for a considerable period of time
persistent chemical agent
chemical agent that generally vaporizes and disperses quickly
nonpersistent chemical agent
G agents are _______________
V agents are ________________
nerve agents’ vapor are ___________ than air
___________ is the most important factor in medical management of individuals who have been exposed to nerve agents because of their extremely rapid effects
substances that reacts to prevent the body from being able to use oxygen
chemical asphyxiant
blood agents are _________ ___________
chemical asphyxiants
colorless, nonirritating toxic gas that has a reported mild garlic odor
colorless, highly volatile liquid that has the faint odor of bitter almonds. 25% of population cant smell this.
Hydrogen Cyanide
colorless highly volatile liquid, heavier than air and has a pungent, biting odor
Cyanogen Chloride
__________ ___________ attach and cause tissue damage to the lungs
Choking agents
two most common choking agents are _________ and ____________
chlorine, phosgene
yellow-green in color, this gas is usually pressurized and cooled to a liquid state for storage and transportation. it has a pungent, bleach like irritating odor. heavier than air.
colorless, nonflammable gas that has the odor of freshly cut hay. its already at a harmful concentration by the time someone smells it. heavier than air
chemical compounds that cause immediate irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin, temporarily disabling people.
riot agents
all riot agents are _______ and require dispersion as aerosolized particles
a ______________________ is an industrial chemical that is toxic at a certain concentration and is produced in quantities exceeding _______ tons per year at one production facility
toxic industrial material, 30
primary objective at a chemical attack is to do the ________________________
greatest good for the greatest number
intentional release of viruses, bacteria, or their toxins for the purpose of harming or killing citizens
biological terrorism
viruses do not respond to
poisons produced by living organisms
biological toxins
insects and animals that spread disease
caused by microorganisms with the potential to transfer to another person
infectious disease
can spread rapidly from person to person
contagious disease
epidemic occurring over a very wide area
powerful gamma emitting radiation source used as a weapon
radiation exposure device (RED)
DOT Division number for High Explosives
a radiological dispersal device is intended to disperse radioactive material over a __________ area