chapter 8 Flashcards
strategic management
the process of determining an organization’s basic mission and long-term objectives and then implementing a plan of action for pursuing the mission and attaining these objects
mission statement
a description of what an organization actually does - what its business is - and why it does it
vision statement
expresses organization’s ultimate objectives
approaches to formulating and implementing strategy
- economic imperative
- political imperatives
- quality imperative
- administrative coordination
economic imperative:
worldwide strategy based on cost leadership, differentiation, and segmentation
- typically products for which a large portion of value is added in the upstream activities of the industry’s value chain
- product is basically homogeneous and requires no alteration from country to country; worldwide strategy that is consistent
- generic good
- global sourcing
political imperative
strategy formulation and implementation utilizing strategies that are country-responsive and designed to protect local market niches
- large portion of product value added in the downstream activities of the value chain
- success of product or service depends on: marketing, sales, service
- these MNCS usually use country-centered or multi-domestic strategy
Quality Imperative
takes two interdependent paths:
- a change in attitudes and a raising of expectations for service equality
- the implementation of management practices designed to make quality improvement an ongoing process (TQM-total quality management)
Administrative Coordination
- MNC makes strategic decisions based on the merits of the individual situation rather than using a predetermined economic or political strategy
- used when rapid, flexible decision making is needed to close the sale
- least common approach to formulation and implementation of strategy
Global Integration
production and distribution of products and services of a homogeneous type and quality on a worldwide basis
National Responsiveness
- the need to adapt tools and techniques for managing the local workforce
- need to understand different consumer tastes in segmented regional markets and respond to different national standards and regulations imposed by autonomous governments and agencies
Global Strategy
a low-cost strategy when attempting to benefit from scale economies in production, distribution, marketing (integrated strategy: price competition)
International strategy
make use of valuable core competencies that host-country competitors lack (mixed strategy: low demand for integration and responsiveness)
Transnational Strategy
pursued when there are high cost pressures and high demand for local responsiveness (integrated strategy: high global integration and local responsiveness)
Multi-domestic Strategy
useful with high pressure for local responsiveness and low pressures for cost reductions (differentiated strategy: local adaptation)
Strategic Planning Process
define/clarify mission and objects -> assess environment for threats, opportunities -> assess internal strengths and weaknesses -> consider alternative strategies using competitive analysis -> choose strategy