Chapter 8 Flashcards
What happens during an Alkene Addition of H-X? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Hydrogen attaches to the least substituted C of the double bond, producing a carbocation. After a potential carbocation rearrangement, the halogen attaches to the carbocation
X attaches the the most substituted side, with possible carbocation rearrangement
What are the substrates in an Oxymercuration/Demurcuration reaction?
What happens in a oxymercuration/demercuration reaction? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Use Hg(OAc)2/THF/H20, then NaBH4/OH-
OH goes to the most substituted side, the H goes to the least substituted side (always)
What are the substrates for an Acid Catalyzed Hydrogenation?
Acid(ex: H+, dilute)/H2O
What happens in an Acid Catalyzed Hydrogenation? Do we need to know the mechanism?
The OH goes to the most substituted side, the H goes the least substituted side. There is a possible carbocation rearrangement, so we need to know the mechanism.
What are the substrates for a Hydroboration/Oxidation Reaction?
What happens in a Hydroboration/Oxidation Reaction? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Use BH3/THF then H2O2/NaOH
The OH goes to the least substituted side, the H goes to the most substituted side (always)
What happens in an Addition reaction of Dihalogens (X2) in Organic Solvents? Do we need to know the mechanism?
The Halogen(X) is added to each carbon of the double bond (diagonal from each other) We do not need to know the mechanism.
What happens in an Addition reaction of Dihalogens(X2) in Water? Do we need to know the mechanism?
A Halogen(X) is added to the least substituted side, the OH goes to the most substituted side
What happens in an Oxidation reaction of Alkenes with COLD/DILUTE Permanganate in basic solution? Do we need to know the mechanism?
An OH is added to each carbon of the double bond syn. (forming Cis-1,2-diols) We do not need to know the mechanism.
What happens in an Oxidation reaction of Alkenes with Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4)? Do we need to know the mechanism?
An OH is added to each carbon of the double bond syn. (forming Cis-1,2-diols) We do not need to know the mechanism.
What happens in an Oxidative Cleavage reaction of Alkenes with HOT, basic Permanganate, then H+? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Depending on the alkene, different products will form. A double bond O will replace the double bond on each side, and an OH will replace each H bonded to the carbons.
H2C= -> (OH)2C=O (Carbonic Acid) -> CO2 +H2O
RHC-> (OH)(R)C=O (Carboxylic Acid)
R2C -> R2C=O (Ketone)
We do not need to know the mechanism
What happens in a Cleavage of Alkenes via Ozonolysis (O3) reaction (Me2S is also added)? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Depending on the alkene, different products will form. The double bond will be cleaved by oxygen; oxygen will attach to the double bond on both sides. This will form either aldehydes (at least one H) or ketones.
We do not need to know the mechanism.
What happens in an Addition Reaction to Alkynes? Do we need to know the mechanism?
Each time you add HX, the H will go to the less substituted side and the X will attach to the more substituted side. If you do the reaction twice, the two halogens will attach to the same side/carbon (forming a geminal dihalide). We do not need to know the mechanism.
What happens in an Addition reaction of Dihalogens(X2) to Alkynes in Organic solvents? Do we need to know the mechanism?
The Halogens will attach on opposite sides (diagonal), first forming an alkene with a halogen on each side, then an alkane with two halogens on each side. We do not need to know the mechanism.
What are the possible substrates in a Hydrogenation of Alkyne reaction? What products will they produce?
NiB2(P-2) or Pd/CaCO3 produces Cis-Alkenes,
Li/NH3 or Na/NH3 produces Trans-Alkenes,
Pd/Ni/Pt/Rh/Ru produces an Alkane
Alkene + HX -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkyl Halide, halogen on most substituted side of double bond.
Possible carbocation rearrangement. Produces Enantiomers because trigonal planar. (racemic mixture).
Alkene + H+/H2O -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alcohol, OH on the most substituted side of double bond.
Possible carbocation rearrangement. Produces Enantiomers because trigonal planar. (racemic mixture)
Alkene + Hg(OAc)2/THF/H2O + NaBH4/OH- -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alcohol, OH goes to the most substituted side of double bond. No possible carbocation rearrangement or enantiomers. Anti addition.
Alkene + BH3/THF + H2O2/NaOH -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alcohol + NaBO3 + H2O, OH goes to the LEAST substituted side,
No carbocation, syn addition, enantiomers are produced.
Alkene + X2 in CCl4 (organic solvent) -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkane with Anti-Addition of Halogens. Produces Enantiomers if Cis-Alkene. (cis=enantiomers, trans=meso, but check for symmetry)
Alkene + X2 in H2O -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkane Halohydrin, X and OH are added across the double bond in an anti addition. No carbocation. OH goes to the most substituted side. Enantiomers are produced.
Alkene + COLD/DILUTE Permanganate -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Cis-1,2-diols, OH is added to both of the carbons of the double bonds, syn. May produce enantiomers, depending on starting alkene.
Alkene + Osmium Tetroxide -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Cis-1,2-diols, OH is added to both of the carbons of the double bonds, syn. May produce enantiomers, depending on starting alkene.
Alkene + HOT Permanganate/OH -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Carboxylic Acid, Ketone, or CO2/H2O, each side of the double bond is cleaved by Oxygen, and every Hydrogen is replaced with an OH Group.
Alkene + O3 -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Different products are produced, a double bond is cleaved by Oxygen (R=R -> R=O + R=O)
Alkyne + 1HX -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkene with the halogen on the most substituted side, with H added anti.
No enantiomers due to double bond
Alkyne + 2HX -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Geminal Dihalide, both halogens attached to same carbon, on the most substituted side
Alkyne + 1X2 in CCl -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkene with halogens on opposite sides (anti addition)
No enantiomers due to double bond
Alkyne + 2X2 in CCl -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkane with 4 halogens where triple bond was
Alkyne + H2 with NiB2(P-2) or Pd/CaCO -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkyne + Li/NH3 or Na/NH3 -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
Alkyne + H2 with Pd/Ni/Pt/Rh/R -> ?
Carbocation rearrangement? Stereochemistry? Syn, anti, or N/A?
How do you produce an Alkyl Halide from an Alkene?
Add a HX
How do you produce an Alcohol (OH on most substituted side) from an Alkene? (one step, possible rearrangement)
Add a dilute acid in water (has to be enough water to react)
How do you produce an Alcohol (OH on most substituted side) from an Alkene? (Two step, no rearrangement)
Add Hg(OAc)2/THF/H2O (Oxymercuration) and NaBH4/OH- (Demurcuration)
How do you produce an Alcohol (OH on least substituted side) from an Alkene? (Two step method, no rearrangement)
Add BH3/THF (Hydroboration) and H2O2/NaOH (Oxidation)
How do you produce an Alkane with Anti-Addition of (2)Halogen from an Alkene?
Add X2 in an organic solvent (CCl4)
How do you produce an Alkane Halohydrin from an Alkene? (Halogen and OH group anti addition)
Add X2 + H2O
How do you produce a Cis-1,2-diol (OH attached to each carbon from the double bond) from an Alkene?
Two possible methods
Two methods: Add Cold/DIlute Permanganate(KMnO4) OR Add Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4)
How do you add Oxygen to the Hydrogens of an Alkene, and split the double bond with oxygen?
Add Hot Permanganate (KMnO4) and OH-, this produces ketones, carboxylic acid, or carbonic acid (which degrades to CO2 and H2O_
How do you Cleave Alkenes with Oxygen?
Add O3
How do you produce an Alkene with a Hydrogen and a Halogen attached from an Alkyne?
You add HX to the Alkyne. The H will go to the least substituted side, the X to the most
How do you produce a Geminal Dihalide (An Alkane with two halogens on most substituted side, two carbons on the other) from an Alkyne?
You add 2HX to the Alkyne. The H will go to the least substituted side, the X to the most
How do you produce a Cis-Alkene from an Alkyne? (no substituents)
Add H2 with NiB2(P-2) or Pd/CaCO3
How do you produce a Trans-Alkene from an Alkyne? (no substituents)
Add Li/NH3 or Na/NH3
How do you produce an Alkane from an Alkyne? (no substituents)
Add Pd/Ni/Pt/Rh/Ru
What is the structure of MsCl?
What is the structure of TsCl?