Chapter 8 Flashcards
Drove away many rulers and people from foreign countries and kept other people as slaves. Egypt entered what?
A period of tremendous wealth and power.
At the time Egypt was divided into two countries. Who ruled the southern country and who ruled the northern country?
Southern country: Egyptian kings.
Northern country: people who came from regions to the east of Egypt.
A new pharaoh came into power. Who did he not know and who did he not treat as honored guests?
The new pharaoh did not know Joseph.
The pharaoh did not treat the Israelites and honored guests.
What did we find out in Exodus the second book in the bible?
We found out that later Israelites were kept as slaves.
- What were some things the pharaoh forced the Israelites to do?
- What were some things the pharaoh did not let the Israelites do?
1. - build monuments and buildings. - work long hours in the field. 2. - no longer free to worship God and follow his laws.
In exodus we find……..
….. We find the story of what happened to Jacob’s descendants in Egypt.
Is the biblical word describing the Israelites’ departure from slavery to freedom.
What were Israelites called?
Hebrews because their language was Hebrew.
The pharaoh noticed despite the difficulties in all their lives the number of Hebrews was still growing. What did he tell the Hebrew women?
He told them that all the newly born sons of the Israelites must be killed.
What did the pharaoh’s daughter find?
She found a newborn baby and named him Moses and raised him as her own.
One day Moses saw a Hebrew being beaten by an Egyptian. What did Moses do?
Moses killed the Egyptian.
Moses ran away and lived the life of a what?
God told Moses that he wanted him to what?
Return to Egypt and lead the Hebrews out of slavery.
Moses asked God what he should say when the Israelites ask him who sent him. God told him what?
” God said ‘I am who am.’ then he added, ‘ This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you’”
God spoke to Moses again and told him to say this to the Israelite elders.
” So I have decided to lead you up out of the misery of Egypt into the land of Canaanites,. . . a land flowing with milk and honey.