chapter 8 Flashcards
what makes up appendicular skeleton?
limbs and supportive girdles
pectoral girdle
shoulder girdle, connects to arms, consists of 2 clavicles and 2 scapulae, connects appendicular with axial skeleton AT MANUBRIUM
shoulder blades, scapular head at glenoid cavity
glenoid cavity
which articulates with the humerus to form shoulder joint, coracoid process, acromion
medial forearm bone, olecranon is proximal end
lateral forearm bone, articulates with wrist at distal end
4 proximal carpal bones
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
4 distal carpal bones
trapexium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
I-V from thumb
phalanges of fingers and toes
pollex/hallux- 2 phalanges
fingers/toes- 3 (prox, mid, dis)
pelvic girdle
hip (coxal) bones
3 fused bones- ilium, ischium, pubic
female vs male pelvis
female- lighter, shallower arch, round pubic inlet
male- heavier, smaller, heart shaped arch, pelvis and coccyx more vertical
where does femur connect with pelvis
proximal end connects with pelvis at acetabulum
sesamoid bone within tendons of quadriceps femoris
what part of tibia articulates with talus?
medial malleolus articulates with talus of foot
lateral malleolus, joined to tibia with interosseus membrane. smaller bone, does not bear body weight, does not reach knee joint
bones of the ankle
talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular and M,I, & L cuneiforms
I-V medial to lateral
what are the two ends of the clavicle?
sternal end, acromial end, rounded-acromial end flattened
proximal end of humerus goes to…
glenoid fossa
a bone that comes off of another bone
coracoid process
attachment of biceps muscles
articulates with clavicle
what part of the tibia articulates with femur
articulates with distal end of femur by the medial and lateral condyles of tibia
what does femur articulate with
tibia and patella
attaches to achilles