Chapter 8 Flashcards
What are the potential problems in prenatal development
As the age of the mother increases (35+) the risk of developmental problems in the body increases.
Older the egg the more problems like
- Genetic errors in the egg
- Donor eggs
After one week of preganancy what hormone is released into the bloodstream
What is HCG?
Hormone that senses a at home pregnancy test
The marker for the onset of pregnancy
For reptiles sex is determined by ___________
The temperature outside the egg
For most mammals sex is determined by
XX or XY
Which chromosome is bigger? Why?
X because it has more genes on it (1600 vs 50)
SRY gene
The Y chromosome has the sex determinant protein. A mutation or deletion in XY results in developing a female reproductive system (XX)
If SRY is present which reproductive system will occur
Wolffian (Male)
Male Reproductive system
Female Reproductive system
In early development (6 weeks) all human embryod contain both versions of sex reproductive systems
True or False
The male fetus development starts during the _________
Third gestational month
What happens during the third Gestational month?
There is a secretion of testosterone
Mullerian inhibiting substances are released which prevents the formation of female Reproductive system
In the male brain masculinaztion depends on the
Perinatal testosterone exposure
Process of Aromatization in males
Gonadal testosterone reaches the brain
The enzyme aromatase interacts with it and converts into estradiol which masculizes the male brain
Why is the female brain not masculanized
Protein alpha - fetoprotein prevennts estradioil to not go to the brain
Aromatase is produced in the _________
Ovary of the female
The presence / entrance of ___________ determines the masculinization of the brain
__________ prevents estradiol to get to the brain
Alpha - fetoprotein
What are the selected areas of aromatase activity in developing brain
Affects of aromatase in Hypothalamus
The release of hormones in the bloodstream is different from males and females
Affects of aromatase in Amygdala
Women tend to have an longer lasting responses to fear / upset
Both men and women have __________ but differ in __________ levels
Estrogen ; Testosterone
Who is better in spatial visualization
Men due to high testosterone ; but as u age testosterone goes down which makes these tasks ahrder
Who is better in verbal ability
Women do better due to the presence of estrogen
Cells of a fertilized are totipotent. What does this mean?
Totipotent means they can become anything. The cells future is not planned or predetermined. Thy can be anything
The early phase 2 -8 week phase of development is __________________
Zygote Phase
What happens in zygote phase?
After conception the cells start to multiply very quickly until it forms a embryo
In which stage of developement do all the vertebrates look the same?
Where does the Nervous System Develop?
Neural Plate
Ectoderm Layer
Develop into skin
Mesoderm Layer
Develop into muscle / bone
Endoderm Layer
Develop into internal organs
What is the Neural Tube
At 23 days
- Sides of a neural plate fold over and incase the nural tube to protect it
- CNS: Brain and Spinal Cord develop
Where does the brain develop in the neural tube?
Centre of the tube from the ventricles and the anterior neural tube
Neural Tube develops into
Neural Crest develops into
2 Birth defects caused by the neural tube
Spina Bifida
If the neural tube does not close enough at the bottom, the developed spinal cord will be exposed _______________
Spina Bifida
If the tube does not close at the top where the brain is, some parts of the brain will not develop causing _______________
At 35 days there is a first ___________
Stem Cells
- Totipotent
- Multiply
- Produce daughter cells
Daughter cells of stem cells are __________
Progenitor cells give rise to _____________
Glial cells
How do new cells move out of the subventricular zone
- Radial Migration
- Tangential Migration
- Radial Migration
Direct pathway out
_________ cells attach to help neurons / glial cells perform radial migration outward to the outer part of the brain
Tangential Migration
Side - Side movement
___________ is the cortex which is the source of higher cognitive function
How many layers does the neocortex have, and which layer is the deepest
6 layer
Layer 6 is the deepest
In cell migration which protein signals cells to go where they need to go
_______ cells help glial cells to go to the right layer and __________ cells to get to their more specific area
Radio ; Transgential
Stages of cell Differentiation
Migrate - aggregate - differentiate
- Become a specific cell such as a glioblast or neuroblast based on chemical signals
- Which turns genes on
- Specific Proteins are made
- Cells make specific calls
2 ways young neurons start to mature
- Axonal Growth
- Dendritic Growth
- Axonal Growth
extend their axons to nearby targets to initiate synapse formation
Dendrictic growth
Sprouts dendrites to provide surface area of synapses with other cells
Is axonal growth faster or dendrictic
Axons grow at a much faster pace
Describe Axonal Growth
- Axons have growth cone which is the growing tip of the axon
- The filopod reaches from the end of the developing axon to search for / detect potential synapses
- The growth cone senses chemical signals from target cells
Pioneer growth cones are first to establish a path of synapses. Other cells follow this path. What is this called?
Neurotrophic factors
Help in synaptogenesis
Helps with connection and the overall health of a neuron
NTFs are limited, neurons need to compete for them
Fetal stage is from ________ to __________
9 weeks to Birth
**** When does gyrus and sulci begin to form?
Fetal Stage at 8 months
More neurons are produced than needed
True or False
2 pathways for cell death
- Necrosis
- Apoptosis
Content of cell spill out and promote other reactions causing collateral damage
Cell slowly dies but damage stays within the cell, programmed cell death
Difference between Necrosis and Apoptosis
Necrosis is dumb : dies but also creates damage to other cells
Apoptosis : respectable death. Bro dies alone
A condition that occurs when cell death does not occur
What is the last stage of development
Synaptic purning
A drop in synapses because of the lack of use which happens throughout adulthood
Which area does synaptic purning most occur
Visual Areas
How does Autism occur
Too many synapses, no synaptic purning
Symptoms of autism
Reduced Social Awareness Repetetive behaviours
Williams syndrome
Big eyes
Extremely socialab
always happy
Williams syndrome has high activity in
Broncas area
WS has low activity / reduced dev in
Frontal lobe and parietal lobe