Chapter 8 Flashcards
Addition reactions
Pi bond is broken to let X and Y be added
Addition reactions when pi bond functions as base
Pi bond attacks H, which disconnects it from A. ALKENE doesn’t have pi bond but is bonded to H with positive charge on the other side, and A- is separate product
Addition reactions when pi bond functions as nucleophile
Pi bond in alkene attacks positively charged atom, pi bond dissociates and carbon bonds to E on one side, with positive charge on the other
Added to more substituted carbon
Added to less substituted carbon
Alkene is protonated, losing its pi bond. Forms carbocation and ion with what it took proton from. Ion functions as nucleophile and attacks positively charged carboon
Acid catalyzed hydration
Alkene is protonated, losing its pi bond. Water attacks + charged carbon. Water functions as a base and deprotonates oxium ion, leaving just OH
Hydroxyl group and merucuration group attach, getting rid of pi bond. Demurcuration happens, just leaving OH
Borane attacked by a pi bond, triggering hydride shift.
What’s interesting about the outcome of hydroboration oxidation? What is this called?
H and OH are on the same side of the pi bond. Syn addition
Catalytic hydrogenation
Molecular hydrogen added across double bond, removing double bond
Br2 or Cl2 added across an alkene, making 2 Cs a single bond and attached to the halogens.