CHAPTER 8 Flashcards
What is a Non-communicable disease?
A preventable cause of death or disability including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many cancers.
What was the leading cause of death in the United States in 2016 and 2017 (years listed in the book)
Heart disease
What is Primary Intervention?
Activities that can prevent illness or disease, such as weight-bearing activity to prevent osteoporosis, or
What is Secondary Prevention?
Activities that are provided after the onset of pathology and are intended to minimize the progression and severity of the disease. Such as screening for Scoliosis
What is Tertiary Prevention?
Tertiary Prevention seeks to reduce the effect of an already established disease and improve the quality of life of a patient. Examples are providing a POC to a patient who had a stroke
What is Health Promotion?
The process of enabling people to increase control over. and improve their health.
What is the definition of Health?
A state of complete physical, social, and emotional well-being. Not just simply an absence of disease.
What is the definition of Wellness?
An individual’s sense of growth and balance over the Physical, Psychological, social, and intellectual domains. Being aware of and making conscious decisions to improve your health.
What is Health-related quality of life (HRQOL)?
An Individual or group’s perceived mental health over time. Basically how someone sees their quality of life.
What is Lifestyle?
A way of living based on identifiable patterns of behavior. It is determined by an individual’s personal characteristics, social
interactions, and socioeconomic and environmental
living conditions
What is Health Behavior?
Any activity undertaken by an individual in order to promote, protect, or maintain their health, whether or not it actually does.
What health-related components are included in Physical Fitness?
-Cardiorespiratory endurance
* Muscular strength
* Muscular endurance
* Body composition
* Flexibility
How many minutes of exercise does a healthy adult need?
150 minutes of moderate or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity, or an equivalent combination per week. Muscle strengthening activities of moderate or greater intensity of all major muscle groups 2 or more days a week.
What is the leading cause of PREVENTABLE death in the United States?
What are the five A’s of smoking cessation?
Ask about tobacco use
Advise to quit smoking
Assess willingness to quit
Assist patient to quit
Arrange for follow-up
What is the definition of stress?
The nonspecific response of the body to any demand
What is the Transtheoretical model?
A theory about the stages a person goes through when attempting to change themselves.
What are the five steps to the transtheoretical model?
-Precontemplation – unaware of the need to change or having tried
and failed to change
* Contemplation – weighing the pros and cons of changing but not
taking action yet
* Preparation – starting to make plans to change
* Action – engaging in the behavior
* Maintenance – has engaged in the behavior for more than 6 months
What are the three factors of the Social Cognitive Theory?
-Environmental factors (aspects of the environment that support
the behavior)
-Personal factors (thoughts and beliefs, self-efficacy)
- Behavioral factors (aspects of the behavior itself that make it
easier to perform the behavior)
What are the three basic psychological needs based on the Self-Determination Theory?
-Competence (degree to which a person can achieve desired
outcomes as a result of the behavior)
-Autonomy (degree to which a person feels responsible for the
initiation and maintenance of the behavior)
- Relatedness (extent to which a person feels connected to
What are Clinical Measure of health?
Blood pressure, body weight, height, body fat, etc
What is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)?
An overall assessment of health based on history and self-reporting of present health-related behaviors. Provides
What are the four requirements necessary to adopt a regular health behavior?
1.Awareness (conscious awareness of the harmful
and positive health effects of the behavior)
2. Skill (the ability to perform the behavior)
3. Motivation (intrinsic value of regularly performing the
4. Environmental supports or opportunities