Chapter 8 Flashcards
Heart of a continuous effort designed to improve
employee competency and organizational performance.
Training and development (T&D)
Activities designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed
for their present jobs
Learning that goes beyond today’s job and has a more long-term focus.
Planned and systematic attempts to change the
organization, typically to a more behavioral environment
Organization development (OD)
Firm that recognizes the critical importance of continuous
performance-related T&D and takes appropriate action
Learning organization
Heart of a continuous effort designed to
improve employee competency and organizational performance
Training and development needs assessment
Training needs assessment activity, which focuses on the
firm’s strategic mission; goals and corporate plans are studied, along with the results of
strategic HR planning.
Organizational analysis
Training needs an assessment activity that focuses on the tasks required
to achieve the firm’s purposes.
Task analysis
A training needs assessment activity that focuses on finding answers to
questions such as: Who needs to be trained? What do they need to do differently from
what they’re doing today? What kind of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) do
employees need?
Person analysis
The T&D method for online instruction using technology-based methods
such as the DVDs, company intranets, and the Internet
T&D method in which trainees are expected to study the information
provided in the case and make decisions based on it.
Case study
T&D method that permits a person to learn by copying or
replicating behaviors of others to show managers how to handle various situations.
Behavior modeling
T&D method in which participants are required to respond to specific
problems they may encounter in their jobs by acting out real-world situations.
T&D method that permits participants to assume roles such as
president, controller, or marketing vice president of two or more similar hypothetical
organizations and compete against each other by manipulating selected factors in a
particular business situation.
Business games
T&D method in which the participant is asked to establish priorities
for and then handle several business papers, e-mail messages, memoranda, reports, and
telephone messages that would typically cross a manager’s desk
In-basket training
Informal T&D method that permits an employee to learn
job tasks by actually performing them
On-the-job training (OJT)
Training method that combines classroom instruction with on-
the-job training.
Apprenticeship training
Training focused on teaching knowledge and skills to individuals who
are expected to work collectively toward meeting a common objective.
Team training
Team training focused on educating team members how to
orchestrate the individual work that they do to complete the task
Team coordination training
Type of training for educating team members about the other members’
jobs so that they may perform them when a team member is absent, is assigned to another
job in the company, or has left the company altogether.
T&D delivery system provided under the umbrella of the
Corporate university
Educational opportunities including degree and training
programs that are delivered, either entirely or partially, via the Internet
Online higher education
T&D delivery system that takes place away from the production area
on equipment that closely resembles equipment actually used on the job
Vestibule system
T&D delivery system comprised of devices or programs that replicate actual
job demands
Training evaluation criterion focused on the extent to which trainees liked the
training program related to its usefulness, and quality of conduct
The extent to which an employee understands and retains principles, facts, and
Change in job-related behaviors or performance that can be attributed
to training
Behavior change
Training evaluation method focusing on the extent to which an
employee generalizes knowledge and skill learned in training to the workplace, as well as
maintains the level of skill proficiency or knowledge learned in training
Transfer of training
Typically, training outcomes such as enhanced productivity,
lower costs, and higher product or service quality
Organizational results
Process of monitoring and measuring a firm’s internal processes, such
as operations, and then comparing the data with information from companies that excel in
those areas.
The use of multiple training methods to deliver T&D
Blended training
Training provided anytime, anywhere in the world when it is
Just-in-time training
Initial T&D effort to inform new employees about the company, the job,
and the work group.
General course that a person chooses to pursue throughout his or her working
A flexible line of movement through which a person may travel during his
or her work life
Career path
Employee progresses vertically upward in the organization
from one specific job to the next
Traditional career path
Method of career progression that contains both a vertical
sequence of jobs and a series of horizontal opportunities
Network career path
Career path that allows for lateral moves within the firm, taken to
permit an employee to become revitalized and find new challenges
Lateral skill path
Career path that recognizes that technical specialists can and should
be allowed to contribute their expertise to a company without having to become
Dual-career path
Process of moving a worker to a lower level of duties and responsibilities,
which typically involves a reduction in pay.
People who take charge of all or part of their careers by being their own
bosses or by working for others in ways that fit their particular needs or wants.
Free agents
Ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and
identifies the means to achieve them.
Career planning
Process of learning about oneself.
A self-evaluation procedure, developed originally by
Benjamin Franklin, which assists people in becoming aware of their strengths and
Strength/weakness balance sheet
Procedure that helps individuals recognize restrictions they
place on themselves
Likes and dislikes survey
The use of established external approaches to facilitate evaluation
of an issue at hand
Formal assessment
Formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people
with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed.
Career development
Consists of all learning experiences provided by an
organization resulting in upgrading skills and knowledge required in current and future
managerial positions.
Management development
Approach to advising, coaching, and nurturing, for creating a practical
relationship to enhance individual career, personal, and professional growth and
Often considered a responsibility of the immediate boss, who provides
assistance, much like a mentor.
A process in which older employees learn from younger ones
Reverse mentoring
Organization development method of basing change efforts on the
systematic collection and measurement of subordinate’s attitudes through anonymous
Survey feedback
Groups of employees who voluntarily meet regularly with their
supervisors to discuss problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, and take
corrective action when authorized to do so
Quality circles
Conscious effort to develop effective workgroups and cooperative skills
throughout the organization.
Team building