Chapter 8 & 10 Flashcards
Levels of Play
Functional Play Constructive Play Dramatic Play Formal Games with Rules Social Dimension of Play
What is the simplest level of play?
Functional Play/ Locomotor Play
e.g. rolling a ball
What is the most complex level of play?
Formal Games with Rules
- organized games with procedures and penalties
e. g. freeze tag
5 forms of discipline
1) Reward
2) Punishment
3) Inductive Techniques
4) Power-Assertion
5) Withdrawal of Love
Corporal Punishment
the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child’s behaviour
- proven counterproductive and should be avoided
- harsh influence of parenting is bidirectional (e.g. shy children become more shy)
- may be harmful
Inductive Reasoning (most effective form of discipline)
- Explanation of why behaviour is negative
- Reflective questioning
- Empathy in Action
1) When Sara took candy from a store, her father explained how the owner of the store would be harmed by her failure to pay for the candy and how sad he would feel that it was gone.
2) He asked Sara how she would feel in the same situation.
3) Then he took her back to the store to return the candy. Although he did not ask her to do so, Sara told the store owner she was sorry she had made him sad.
What form of Discipline is most Effective?
Inductive Reasoning
Power Assertion
- through enforcement of parental control (whether physical or verbal)
physical: withdrawal of privileges, spanking
verbal: demands, threats - may be harmful
Withdrawal of Love
- ignoring, isolating, showing dislike for a child
- may be harmful
External Reinforcements
Child sees it as rewarding and must receive is consistently after showing desired behaviour
TANGIBLE -treats, more playtime
INTANGIBLE -a smile, words of praise, special privilege
Internal Reinforcements
Behaviour provides a sense of pleasure/ accomplishment
e.g. pride in skill
Authoritarian Parenting Style
HIGH demandingness
LOW warmth + responsiveness
Authoritative Parenting Style
HIGH demandingness
HIGH warmth + responsiveness
Permissive/ Indulgent Parenting Style
LOW demandingness
HIGH warmth + responsiveness
Neglectful Parenting Style
LOW demandingness
LOW warmth + responsiveness
Who created the Model of Parenting Styles?
Diana Baumrind
Effects of Authoritarian parenting
children tend to be discontent, withdrawn, distrustful
Effects of Permissive Parenting
-children tend to be immature, least self-controlled, least exploratory
Effects of Authoritative Parenting
Children are self-reliant, self-controlled, self-assertive, exploratory, content
Effects of Neglectful parenting
behavioural disorders in childhood and adolescence
Prosocial Behaviour
Any voluntary behaviour intended to help others
3 types of Aggression
1) Instrumental Aggression
- used as a means of achieving a goal
2) Overt (Direct) Aggression
- Aggression that is openly directed at its target
3) Relational Aggression
- Aggression aimed at damaging or interfering with another person’s relationships, reputation, or psychological well-being.