Chapter 7 - Respitatory System Flashcards
nas/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. nas/al: pertaining to the nose
rhin/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. rhino/o/plasty: surgical repair of the nose
sept/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. sept/o/plasty: surgical repair of the septum
sinus/o (upper respiratory tract)
sinus, cavity
ex. sinus/o/tomy: incision of any of the sinuses
adenoid/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. adenoid/ectomy: excision of adenoids
tonsill/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. peri/tonsill/ar: pertaining to the area around the tonsils
pharyng/o (upper respiratory tract)
pharynx (throat)
ex. pharyng/o/scope: instrument for examining the pharynx
epiglott/o (upper respiratory tract)
ex. epiglott/itis: inflammation of the epiglottis
laryng/o (upper respiratory tract)
larynx (voice box)
ex. laryng/o/plegia: paralysis of the (vocal cords and) larynx
trache/o (upper respiratory tract)
trachea (wind-pipe)
ex. trache/o/plasty: surgical repair of the trachea
bronchi/o (lower respiratory tract)
bronchus (plural, bronchi)
ex. bronchi/ectasis: dilation of the bronchi
broncho/o (lower respiratory tract)
bronchus (plural, bronchi)
ex. broncho/o/scope: instrument for examining the bronchus or bronchi
bronchiol/o (lower respiratory tract)
ex. bronchiol/ittis: inflammation of the bronchioles
aveol/o (lower respiratory tract)
alveolus; air sac
ex. aveol/ar: pertaining to the alveoli
pleur/o (lower respiratory tract)
ex. pleur/o/centesis: surgical puncture of the pleural cavity; also called thoracocentis or thoracentesis
pneum/o (lower respiratory tract)
air, lung
ex. pneum/ectomy: excision of all or part of) a lung
pneumon/o (lower respiratory tract)
air, lung
ex. pnemon/ia: condition of the lungs
pulmon/o (lower respiratory tract)
ex. pulmon/o/logist: specialist in the study (and treatment) of lungs (and respiratory disease)
anthrac/o (other)
coal, coal dust
ex. anthrac/osis: abnormal condition of coal dust (in the lungs); also called black lung diease
atel/o (other)
incomplete; imperfect
ex. atel/ectasis: incomplete expansion of the lung; also called airless lung or collapsed lung
coni/o (other)
ex. peum/o/coni/osis: condition of dust in the lungs
cyan/o (other)
ex. cyan/osis: abnormal condition of blueness
lob/o (other)
ex. lob/ectomy: excision of the lobe
orth/o (other)
ex. orth/o/pnea: breathing in a straight or upright position
ox/i (other)
oxygen (02)
ex. ox/i/meter: instrument used for measuring 02
ox/o (other)
oxygen (02)
ex. hyp/ox/edmia: deficiency of 02 in the blood
ex. pector/algia: pain in the chest; also called thoracalgia or thoracodynia
steth/o (other)
ex.steth/o/scope: instrument used for examining the chest
thoac/o (other)
ex. thorca/o/pathy: disease of the chest