Chapter 7 Preschool Flashcards
contextulized language
grounded in the immediate context on the here and now
decontextualized language
relies heavily on itself in the construction of meaning. begins to emerge during the preschool perod.
emergen literacy
earliest period of LEARNING ABOUT reading and writing
oral language
those skills necessary for comprehending language and using language expressively
metalinguistic ability
the ability to view language as an object of attention.
focus on alphabet. know different letters make different sounds
ex- pretend to write or make up rhyming patterns
see also alphabet knowledge; phonological awareness; print awareness
alphabet knowledge
(4 hypotheses)
knowledge about letters of the alphabet
- own name advantage
- letter-name pronunciation effect
- letter order hypothesis
- consonant-order hypothesis
own name advantage
learn letters of own name first
letter-name pronunciation effect
learn first those letters for which the name of the letter in in its pronunciation
ex B and D easier that X and W
letter order hypothesis
leters occuring earlier in the alphabet string are learned before letters occurring later in the alphabet
consonant-order hypothesis
sounds learned first, will learn those letter names first.
letters for which correspnding cosonantal phomemes are learned earlier that letters for which corresponding consonantal phonemes are learned later.
Print Awareness (6 achievements)
achievements that children generlly acquire along a developmental continum. 1-print interest 2-print functions 3-print conventions 4-print form 5-print part-to-whole relationships
print interest
interest and appreciation for print
recognize that print ezists in the environment and in books
print functions
print conveys meaning and has a specific function.
“Target” is name of store
print conventions
read left to right, top to bottom
print forms
specific print units (letters to words, words to sentences)
pring part-to whole relationships
letters combine to make words, words conbine to make senteces.
reference to print
focus on print
have child point to words while adult reads.
“I see the D in your name, David.”
Phonological Awareness
sensitibity to the sound structures of words
emerges incrementally, beginning 2yrs old
phonological awareness
Shallow level:
implicit and rudimentary sensitibity to large units of sound structure.
- segment sentences into words
(word awareness) - segment multi-syllabic words into syllables (syllable awareness)
- detect and produce rhymes
(rhyme awareness) - combine syllable onsets with the remainder to the syllable to produce a word.
C—-up cup
(onsest awareness)
5.detect beginning sound similarities across words (phoneme identity)
phonologic awareness
Deep level:
explicit and analytical knowledge or even smaller phonological segments of speech
1-count the number of phonemes in a word (phoneme counting)
2-segment words into its phonemes (phoneme segmentation)
3-manipulate phonological segements within words /deleat, add or rearange (phoneme manipulation)
*4- blend phonemes to make words (phoneme blending)
Achievements in Form
1- Speech productions
2-Grammatical and derivational morphology
3-Sentence Forms
Speech productions
1-phonological processes
2-alphabetic principles
3-liquid gliding
phonological processes
systematic errors children make in speech
alphabetic principle
the relationship between letters or combination of letters and sounds.