Chapter 7 Organizational Performance Assessment And Evaluation Flashcards
- Powerful tools that can help police agencies continually enhance their performance and adapt to the inevitable changes to make work challenging.
Assessment and evaluation
- Accreditation represents a reduction in…
agency risk, and liability exposure.
- Disadvantages of accreditation include the possibility that some officers will view it…
as a threat.
- The completion of an appraisal with respect to an object or activity.
- Through assessment police agencies observed the object or activity in question and offer a:
Value neutral description of it.
- An evaluation thus summarizes the assessment’s findings and assigns…
a value to the performance assessed.
- An examination or deliberation to decide the quality, value, criticalness, scope, or necessity of a service or activity.
- Process through which an organization repeatedly assesses the effectiveness of policies and procedures established for achieving key objectives.
Continuous improvement
- Because police agencies exist to serve customers, customer satisfaction ought to be a key agency objective, and should be the driving force behind the…
Agency’s goals and objectives as well as it’s performance improvement efforts.
- To meet and exceed the demands of their internal and external customers, police agencies must be committed to:
Continuous improvement
- Continuous evaluation: the process by which an organization, on an ongoing basis, measures…
actual performance outcomes against intended outcomes to identify and close gaps.
- Continuous evaluation compliments continuous improvement process by enabling agency leaders to identify gaps between desired and actual performance with an eye towards changing…
behaviors, policies, or procedures as needed to close those gaps.
- Continuous improvement through assessment, along with continuous evaluation, positions a police agency to…
make the changes needed to improve its performance.
- Through continuous evaluation if actual outcomes fall short of intended outcomes:
Agency personnel launch change initiatives to close the gap.
- MANAGERS identify operations that must be implemented, altered, or discarded to enhance performance through:
Assessment and evaluation.
- POLICE AGENCY PERSONNEL have the responsibility to identify operations within their organization that…
need to be changed.
- Agency managers must always keep in mind that improving performance means:
Delivering better service to customers.
- When police and customer expectations conflict, the only way to strike a balance is to..
Foster open communication between police and members of the community they serve.
- In agencies that have adopted a community policing strategy, police assess performance, identify needed change initiatives, and manage initiatives using input not only from …
managers and line officers but also from customers.
- Two very different manifestations of performance
Efficiency and effectiveness
- This can help foster open communication between police and members of the community they serve.
A community policing strategy.
- Who must determine whether they want to strive for both efficiency and effectiveness or one is more important at a particular time or circumstances?
Agency managers
- Before they can begin to evaluate a police agency’s performance, managers must:
Identify desirable outcomes.
- Efficiency is a comparison of what is actually produced or performed with what can be achieved with:
The same consumption of resources.
- Efficiency is an important factor in determination of:
- In a police agency response time, number of call backs, number of service minutes allotted per call, and crime statistics are terms often used to measure this.
- In a police agency, what may manifest itself as “doing more with less”?
- Speeding up response time after reduction in staff or other resources is an example of efficiency manifesting itself as:
“Doing more with less”
- Efficiency is almost always about:
Numbers and easily measurable results.
- The degree to which objectives are achieved and extent to which targeted problems are resolved.
- Efficiency is measured against the:
Consumption of labor, money, and time.
- Because effectiveness is often subjective, it is more difficult to measure then:
- In For profit companies, effectiveness is often gauged by levels of…
customer satisfaction.
- Whereas efficiency means “doing the thing right,” effectiveness means:
“Doing the right thing.”
- Another reason effectiveness is more difficult to assess than efficiency is the conflicting desires among…
- The time it takes to respond to a call for service is a measure of:
- Unlike efficiency, effectiveness is determined without reference to:
- Agency administrators foster persistent durability by creating:
Structures, processes, and systems for transferring knowledge between seasoned and new personnel.
- Outstanding performance means completing assignments and such away that…
stakeholders’ needs are met and officers need not make a return call.
- Agency administrators put in place a succession plan to ensure that all sworn officers have the opportunity to…
rise in the ranks and assume administrative roles.
- Persistent durability: when such officers are promoted in these ways, they share their knowledge with:
Lower-level officers–further preserving the approaches that previously enable the agency to succeed.
- These agencies have proven better able to defend themselves against allegations of misconduct and lawsuits.
Accredited agencies
- One of the most prevalent difficulties faced by police agencies today is an agency’s defense against:
Lawsuits and complaints.
- Because there are documented standards, any agency performing at a higher level can rightfully call itself:
- The purpose of accreditation is to create and maintain…
excellent Public Safety service delivery.
- MEANS treating all customers (no matter who they are) with respect, fairness, courtesy, and civility.
Ethical service delivery
- In a police agency, serving customers means…
meeting public needs.
- Segmenting police services-putting them into groups based on specific criteria-can help…
police agencies improve the quality of those services.
- One of the most prevalent difficulties faced by police agencies today is an agency’s defense against:
Lawsuits and complaints
- Accreditation plays an important role in a police agency’s:
Assessment, evaluation, and performance improvement efforts.
- Accreditation ensures a police agency meets minimum standards regarding:
Policies, operating procedures, employee knowledge, documentation, and community interaction.
- Police services can be grouped based on the following criteria:
– Customer type served. – Service delivery method. – Service delivery location. – Service deployment hours. – Service process type.
- In a police agency, serving customers means:
Meeting public needs.
- Putting police services into groups based on specific criteria.
Segmenting police services