Chapter 12 Human Relations Challenges in a Police Agency Flashcards
- Often, high turnover in a police agency, stems in part from…
Lack of motivation.
- Managers must recognize achievement and offer incentives that are attainable and worth the effort if they want officers to stay…
motivated to give their best on the job,
- Leaders motivate subordinates by empowering them to…
make decisions central to their job.
- Particularly useful for enhancing morale and job satisfaction, are job challenges related to…
community policing and problem-solving
- Another way to motivate officers is to offer (__) experiences, new and (__) responsibilities, and assignments that stretch beyond their (__ __).
(stimulating) (challenging) (comfort zone)
- Supervisors and managers who fail to provide empowerment risk seeing their direct reports develop…
negative attitudes, and a unwillingness to do anything but the minimum patrol officer role.
- An independent group comprising local citizens appointed by the mayor or other politicians that investigate complaints, decides whether a complaint is justified based on the evidence at hand, and offers recommendations.
Citizen review board.
- This has sparked contention between police and citizens since the mid-1960s, when disfranchised groups demanded protection of their civil rights and liberties.
The concept of a citizen review board.
- Police who resist civilian oversight assert that such oversight is…
Politicized and destroys the credibility of the police as a group.
- Because no ideal system of civilian review exists as yet, police jurisdictions have developed…
Methods for processing complaints that suit their unique characteristics, their citizen population, and their police force.
- Even if an agency processes a complaint appropriately, there is…
No consistent form of discipline.
- Citizen’s complaints about police conduct, policy, procedure and service may signify problems with the agencies…
Management of personnel or its ability to fulfill its mission.
- Many jurisdictions are installing dashboard video cameras in police vehicles to…
Substantiate that officers act properly, and protect officers from unfounded complaints.
- The Right response to citizens complaints can help the agency build trust and strengthen it’s…
Credibility with its customers.
- Empowering subordinates to make decisions central to their jobs breeds…
self-confidence and well-being, essential ingredients for accomplishing goals.
- Two models of citizen review:
– Agency focused
– Customer focused
- This model uses citizen review to address problems with competence, policy, procedure compliance, personal behavior, and attitudes.
Agency focused
- Agencies use this citizen review model to improve service quality.
Customer focused
- This citizen review model drives strict adherence to or possible minor adjustment of agencies current systems.
Agency focused
- Actions taken to correct problematic behavior.
- This citizen review model fosters productivity and a spirit of innovation.
Customer focused
- Leaders must be able to clearly define the citizen review model for personnel throughout the organization so they know how they are expected to…
behave and what the agency’s priorities are.
- If clear and verifiable evidence of police misconduct exists, experts recommend…
Swift and fair discipline to satisfy the complaint as well as the general public and discourage further misconduct.
- This model encourages agency management to solve problems, anticipate the community’s future needs, and devise ways to meet those needs.
Customer focused
- most police environments use this type of discipline.
- In most police environments, discipline is progressive as follows:
- REMEDIAL training.
- Oral reprimand.
- Written reprimand.
- Loss of vac or CT.
- Can lead to RETRAINING or transfer to less challenging assignment, suspension, demotion or termination.
The most serious infractions of incompetence, or continual progressive disciplinary cases.
- Generally suspends disciplinary process of personnel accused of misconduct until the case is resolved.
Criminal prosecution
- A set of practices enabling a police agency to identify and address problematic behaviors before they can reach disastrous levels.
Early warning system.
- Preferable method to a public or private “dressing down” of an officer.
Leading by example and delivering a reprimand in brief, pointed increments.
- The reprimand process:
- Reprimand ASAP
- Be specific why behavior is wrong.
- Express specific feelings, about behavior, “disappointed”, “upset”.
- Pause, silence emphasises feelings.
- Assure officer his contribution is valuable the specific behavior is unacceptable.
- He plays a crucial role in this effort, as this individual should know the problem officer quite well.
The first line supervisor or sergeant.
- Early warning systems enable an agency to intervene promptly when managers see this.
Negative behaviors emerging.
- Problem officers tend to be known by others in the agency as having…
Chronic performance problems.
- The second most stressful job in the United States is…
Police officer.