Chapter 10 Training, Development, and Deployment of Human Resources Flashcards
- As a rule, training encompasses…
Knowledge/skill development and the on-the-job preparation found in policing.
- Much of a police officers training is focused on…
Skills and abilities.
- Since police officers use job related as well as critical thinking skills during the course of their employment, most police academies strive to…
blend training with education…
- Teaching adult learners including police officers is vastly different from teaching…
High school and traditional college-age students.
- They have more life experience and are generally better informed than younger students.
Adult learners
- These learners expect to apply what they learned, and they may have different learning styles.
Mature learners
- How can the agency deliver experiences that accommodate many different learning styles?
By providing different types of training activities.
- Police officers undergo extensive training before they become…
Tenured officers and continue their training while on the job.
- The curriculum of most Police Academies falls into two categories:
– Conceptual.
– Practical.
- Conceptual courses may cover topics such as…
Leadership, ethics, the writing to Sir Robert Peel, and the use of force.
- To reflect changes in regulations, American culture, and politics, today’s police officer should be required to master the following topics:
– Leadership. – Civil liability law. – Agency relations. – Terrorism. – Cultural diversity.
- Leadership development should begin in the police academy where recruits are first introduced to:
– The policing profession.
– The role of personal and organizational leadership.
– The concepts of power, authority, and legitimate influence of others.
- Courses focused on practical application may concentrate on skill areas such as:
Firearms use, defensive tactics, vehicle operations, and conflict management.
- At the Academy, instructors must emphasize this type of leadership.
Motivational leadership.
- The ability to influence others to do what the leader wants because it is also what the people want.
Motivational leadership.
- Civil liability law:
Gone are the days when ___ and ___ officers viewed the use of force as ___ ___.
Line, command, standard procedure.
- Today, any officer who uses force may come under intensive scrutiny by ___ ___ and ___ ___ to determine whether the situation justified the ___ of ___ used.
Command officers, legal representatives, degree, force.
- If a police officer uses physical force – especially deadly force – the victim or victims family will likely…
File a civil lawsuit against the officer as well as the agency.
- Agency relations:
During basic preservice training, police recruits must also learn which agencies are:
Responsible for which services offered to the community.
- What is considered education.
Learning concepts, developing problem solving/critical thinking skills through school/college.
- Since September 11, 2001, the federal government has mandated that police academies provide training and how to…
handle mass casualties and what to do during and after a terrorist attack.
- Terrorism: US department of homeland security’s objective.
Preparing first responders.
Cultural diversity: The United States has always been home to…
diverse populations.
- A police officer’s primary mission.
Protect and serve all people, regardless of cultural differences.
- What training can help officers learn to recognize and respect these and other cultural differences?
Cultural diversity training.
- This training cannot entirely eliminate any biases an individual officer may have toward members of a specific group.
Cultural diversity training.
- This training can help officers appreciate differences and understand people of different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, or socioeconomic standing.
Cultural diversity training.
- Military style marching and over emphasis of uncritical obedience has little value in the performance of…
Modern-day police tasks.
- Training that may be detrimental to the learning process and inconsistent with actual civilian police work.
Obedience-oriented, military-style basic training.
- Stress related training in police academies should simulate the:
Actual occupational environment of police officers.
- This type of training should be used only to assess the recruits ability to respond and exercise effective judgment in stressful situations encountered on the job.
Stress-related training.
- Military style stress programs:
Obedience-oriented, military-style basic training used to evaluate the recruits ability to handle stressful situations.
- This officer supervises recruits’ on the job field training.
Field training officer.
- This is a knowledgeable, season, and competent officer trained in adult education and evaluation procedures.
Field training officer.
- This training focuses on the (KSAs) knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a police officer on the job.
Field training program.
- After successfully completing the basic preservice Academy program, a recruit typically enters on the job field training under the direct supervision of:
– Senior officer.
– Designated field training officer.
The FTO uses a field training guide (a manual) to…
Instruct the recruit and document the person’s progress.
- FTO’s must assess how recruits apply what they learned in the Academy to Real world contexts, placing special emphasis on ability to relate to…
Victims, suspects, citizens, groups, and persons within the agency including fellow officers and command staff.
- The relationship between recruit and FTO can be quite close, with the FTO serving as…
A mentor and role model for the recruit.
- During field training, the FTO sets the pace and takes the lead, allowing the…
New officer to slowly assume more duties of a full-time seasoned officer.
- By the end of field training program, the new officer should be…
Performing 100% of a police officers duties and responsibilities.
- Cultural diversity training can help police officers fulfill this responsibility.
Treat all citizens with respect and civility, and cultural diversity
- The FTO writes a formal report that highlights the probationary officer’s…
strengths, weaknesses, and level of competence in subject matter areas and performance, and submits it to a command officer.
- Field training methodology varies considerably unlike…
Basic preservice training methodology.
- Upon successful completion of the Probationary period, the individual becomes a..
tenured, full time sworn officer.
- These programs emphasizes scenario and problem based learning.
Progressive training programs.
The goal of progressive Field training programs is to help probationary officers…
Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical leadership abilities.
- Like lawyers and doctors, ___ ___ must not only maintain but periodically update their skills.
Police practitioners.
- Police practitioners can maintain and periodically update their skills through…
In-service continuous professional training (CPT).
- State commissions on peace Ofc. standards and training, as well as police agencies, prescribe …
In-service training subject areas and specify hourly requirements.
- This type of training typically focuses on legal updates, technological advances, and refresher training related to perishable skills.
Mandatory in-service training.
- This type of training can also be optional.
CPT can also be optional. Such training may address…
Counterterrorism, fraudulent document recognition, the role of the FTO, or my help officers prepare for promotion.
- Mandatory refresher training typically focuses on these perishable skills.
CPR, use of force, firearms, defensive tactics, tactical communications, report writing, and vehicle operations.
- In-service training is usually conducted by…
Certified or proficient instructors who are experts in the subject matter being taught.
- In-service training may be offered…
On a semiannual or annual basis.
- Part of a recruit’s training protocol is on-the-job training with a…
certified field training officer (FTO) or supervisor.
- In-service training may be provided…
For individuals, teams, or entire departments.
- For instance an officer who wants or needs to know more about cultural diversity may receive…
Customized training.
- Members of a police agencies K-9 team (officers and their dogs) may participate in…
Workshops on canine handling and task performance.
- (POST)
State-based licensing boards and (Peace officer standards and training.)
- Participating agencies agree to operate according to…
Standards established by POST.
- POST: Who provides technical assistance, services, and benefits?
The licensing authorities.
- POST: Who determines what subject matter will be taught?
Subject matter experts (SMEs).
- POST: They modify basic preservice and in-service training curricula and develop new courses as the need arises.
Licensing boards and commissions in conjunction with subject matter experts (SMEs).
- POST: These certify trainers, issue professional certificates in recognition of officer achievement and proficiency, and maintain a centralized database of individual officers’ training records.
POST commissions.
- POST: Because most states mandate in-service as well as basic preservice training, the state-based licensing authorities also…
Monitor officers’ in-service training requirements and participation.
- They exercise better judgment and understanding of government and its processes.
Police officers who possess a college education.
- Study results indicate that police officers who possess a college education bring…
Numerous forms of value to the job.
- They are more creative and less rigid when facing difficult (especially stressful) situations.
Police officers who possess a college education.
- Augmenting training with higher education: Convince by such studies, many police agencies have begun offering incentives to officers for…
Advancing their formal education after beginning their careers.
- These officers demonstrate greater empathy toward others.
College-educated officers.
- Augmenting training with higher education: Numerous agencies require undergraduate and graduate degrees for…
Advancement to the highest administrative positions.
- Augmenting training with higher education: Incentives may take the form of…
Tuition reimbursement, promotion points, or higher salaries.
- Augmenting training with higher education: Officers must achieve a certain educational level to be eligible to take…
The requisite test before being considered for promotion.
- They must explain how higher education benefits officers, the agency, and the community.
Agency leaders.
- To develop a culture in which everyone in a police agency values higher learning, agency leaders must send a clear message that…
higher education defines the professional police officer.
- They must reinforce the message of higher education by promoting such officers as well as involving them in the agency’s plans and decisions.
Agency leaders.
- The probationary officers’ training continues for several months, during which the Individual works alone but is guided by a (__-__ __) who monitors (__), provides (__ __) and prepares and submits monthly evaluations.
(first-line supervisor) (performance) (remedial training)
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training
- Use of force
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training
- Firearms
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training
- Defensive tactics
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training
- Tactical communications
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training
- These officers are more communicative.
College educated
- Vehicle operations
Perishable skills mandatory refresher training
- These officers less authoritarian.
College educated
- These officers are less ego centered,
College educated
- These officers are more participative and engaging.
College educated
- Report writing
Perishable skill requiring mandatory refresher training