Chapter 4 The Nature and Practice of Planning Flashcards
- Police agencies use several types of plans that we can think of as falling into the major categories of…
- non-strategic
- strategic
- Such plans are intended to handle a police agency’s day-to-day responsibilities and are usually developed by and for specific functions within the agency.
Nonstrategic plans
- Nonstrategic plan types:
single-use, repeat-use, tactical, operational, and contingency.
- A plan for a one-time event or special time event or special circumstance.
Single-use plan
- A plan that may be replicated for similar events or tactical situations.
Repeat-use plan
- A plan for special events, unique or extraordinary circumstances, or intra-agency or interagency operational needs.
Tactical plan
- A plan delineating functional activities and agency change processes. This plan drives an entire agency or units within an agency.
Operational plan
- A plan activated during serious emergencies, critical events, or disasters that affect the agency and demand immediate and/or prolonged response.
Contingency plan
- Long-term courses of action intended to apply to the entire police organization.
Strategic plans
- What types of plans are the result of a more complex and lengthier process?
Strategic Plans
- Two especially important planning approaches.
CPTED and CompStat
- What does CPTED stand for?
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- Define CPTED.
The process of deciding how to construct or modify the physical environment to deter or discourage criminal activity.
- What has proved to be a potent weapon in CPTED?
95-96. Name the Four Strategies that lie at the core of CPTED Plans.
- Natural Surveillance
- Territorial Reinforcement
- Natural access control
- Target hardening
- What does ‘Natural surveillance’ refer to?
the use of physical features that increase people’s visibility in the area
- What CPTED Planning strategy emphasizes the use of physical characteristics to differentiate private and public areas, emphasizing the ownership of private places while discouraging encroachment?
Territorial reinforcement
95-96. Name the CPTED Planning Strategy that focuses on ensuring that streets and sidewalks are in full view of the community.
Natural access control
- What CPTED Planning Strategy involves the use of hardware, lighting and other elements designed to make a home or business less vulnerable to physical intrusion?
Target hardening
- What is one important benefit of CPTED as a type of planning?
it promotes community cohesion
- Name a limitation in executing CPTED.
it can be expensive
- What policing approach involves the generation of as much real-time data as possible about crimes AND the frequent evaluation of the data to develop strategies to reduce crime as quickly and effectively as possible?
- What is a key element of the CompStat approach?
frequent evaluation of the intelligence collected.
- Why is frequent evaluation of the intelligence collected a key element of CompStat?
so police can develop plans for moving quickly and effectively to reduce crime.
- How can Police Agencies deploy personnel and resources rapidly to areas where crimes are occurring?
by gathering real-time information.
- In addition to the frequent evaluation of the intelligence collected, name additional vital elements of CompStat.
Relentless follow-up and assessment.
- Some studies revealed statistically significant reductions in major crimes which in some cases may have resulted from under reporting due to _________.
Pressure from superiors to downgrade major crimes to minor offenses.
- Regardless of the number of steps a particular planning process model contains, they can be organized into three steps essential to all planning. Name them.
- assessing needs and risks
- developing alternative courses of action
- selecting a course of action
- The process an organization uses to determine whether a need (or problem) exists that could be addressed by a particular course of action is called what?
Needs assessment
- Agency leaders might use a needs assessment to determine whether managers and officers must strengthen particular .
- What are KSAs?
knowlege, skills, abilities
- What is the process of visually displaying specific locations, addresses or areas of noted concern.
Community mapping
- Crime analysis is an ______ process used to define current and predict future quality-of-life concerns, crime patterns, or trends.
- Police agencies can use (GIS) technology to display…
crime categories, patterns, or trends during a needs assessment.
- Mapping is often used in conjunction with the various policing strategies and other databases that become part of…
the assessment process. (such as housing patterns and vacant properties)
- Mapping: School, business, and parks locations, as well as census maps, are overlaid to produce…
a comprehensive view of problems associated with drug markets, petty crime, robberies, burglaries, and stolen autos and correlations with poverty, gangs, and offenders’ lack of education or employment.
- Crime analysts are valued specialists who use this tool.
Crime analysis
- Agencies use of various databases and to identify crime patterns/trends to deploy officers and prevent/disrupt crime patterns.
Crime analysis
- Generates information that guides the actions an agency might take to achieve a stated goal.
Needs assessment
- Might suggest the need for a plan to bring down the rates.
Rising crime rates
- Method to determine if managers and officers must strengthen particular knowledge, skills, or abilities (KSAs) to meet certain goals.
Agency leaders might use needs assessment.
- Agency leaders needs assessment of KSAs methods.
- Interviews
- casual conversations
- surveys
- Yields information that can help the agency design or revise training programs to strengthen specific (KSAs).
Needs assessment of KSAs by survey method
- Surveys type needs assessment enables agency leaders to…
identify trends, clarify priorities, and ensure that the agency is adhering to accreditation standards or legislatively mandated standards.
- Police agencies face numerous types of risks, including the following:
- Internal organization risks
- External risks:
- Neighborhood risks:
- Risk:
Undesirable circumstance that hasn’t occurred that a police agency should identify/develop plans for mitigating.
- Computer network breakdowns or the loss of valued employees to rival agencies
Internal organization risks
- Damaged to police vehicles from pursuits or damaged facilities from natural disasters.
External risks.
- Reductions in quality of life/neighborhood cohesion and increased crime rates.
Neighborhood risks
- (The police) as leaders consider two criteria in assessing risks.
- Probability a undesirable circumstance will occur.
2. The magnitude of consequences if it does.
- An agency conducts a risk assessment to determine:
- If known/foreseeable threat exists.
- Likelihood the threat will materialize.
- Severity of consequences if it did.
- Highly probable risks that would bring the worst consequences, merit…
a plan for mitigation.
- Police agencies can create a matrix depicting…
their beliefs about how particular risks stack up in terms of probability and severity.
- Can be used to determine if a large crowd may require additional police resources.
A risk assessment
- Step 2: After agency managers conduct needs and risks assessments, they develop alternative courses of action for…
meeting the needs or mitigating the risks they identified.
- To develop these alternative courses of action, managers consider:
- fiscal, physical, and personnel resources.
- activities needed to execute plans.
- strategy for managing resistance to plans.
- Ideas for building support for potential courses of action.
- For each alternative course of action, managers evaluate:
- Probable consequences.
- Desirable consequences.
- Undesirable consequences.
- Managers also prepare a budget and a cost—benefit analysis for each…
tentative action plan.
- When managers and officers meet to discuss the problem and to generate possible courses of action for solving it. (generate ideas for potential solutions)
- A meeting leader encourages participants to continue offering ideas w/out judgement until the “well” seems to have run dry in order to generate ideas for solutions.
- The result of brainstorming is…
a long list of possible courses of action.
- Step 3: The final step in the planning process is to…
select the best possible course of action from the alternatives developed in Step 2.
- To choose the final plan, police managers consider several criteria—such as which plan:
- best accommodates agency’s resources?
- plays to the agency’s strengths?
- garners most support from stakeholders?
- generates most enduring positive results?
- During step 3, choosing the final plan, to help secure stakeholder’s buy-in for the final choice, they should be…
invited to contribute to discussions.
- So stakeholders can see how the plan supports the agency’s mission, police personnel should clearly state the…
GOALS of each proposed action plan.
- Selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives requires…
strong decision- making competence (a leadership skill).
- Decision making can be more complicated than it might appear because…
there are many factors to weigh.
- Different approaches police managers may take in choosing a final action plan.
- Accommodating stakeholder priorities.
- Making innovative change.
- Using intuition.
- Clarifying decision roles.
- When accommodating stakeholder priorities agency managers often feel pressured to appease this person when selecting plans of action.
Loudest/most persistent stakeholder because he usually captures the most attention.
- Decision making approach used when agency managers select a final plan that includes officers’ use of a Taser because doesn’t cause injury so reduces liability claims against police.
Making innovative change.
- Approach for selecting final plan of action when managers draw on past experiences, expertise, knowledge, and intuitive sense.
Using intuition
- The “sixth sense” approach for selecting final plan of action.
Using intuition
- This “sixth sense” approach hinges on…
the ability to blend information from both personal and outside sources while arriving at a decision.
103-104. (n selecting a course of action) With this decision making approach, managers define what role each participant in the decision will play selecting final plan of action.
Clarifying decision roles.
Will everyone involved in selecting a final plan have a say in the ultimate decision or will the leader consult and solicit opinions but make the final choice alone?
Clarifying decision roles.
- Provide policing services at unique events.
Single-use plan
- Deal with a one-time community problem.
Single-use plan
- Handle a circumstance that may or may not recur.
Single-use plan
- To provide policing services for a one-time outdoor concert held in town, an agency develops a plan stipulating how officers will control the crowd and provide security for performers.
Single-use plan
92.When residents of a specific neighborhood complain about cars speeding on their streets, police create a plan for stopping cars to verify license and registration, discouraging people from speeding through the area.
Repeat-use plan
- The agency duplicates this same tactic in other neighborhoods within the community.
Repeat-use plan
- Develop tactics that can be used in multiple similar settings.
Repeat-use plan
- Manage recurring events (such as charity drives or holiday celebrations) where large numbers of people will congregate.
Repeat-use plan
- Deal with special crime issues, such as persistent and numerous shots-fired calls, robberies, rapes, and hostage situations.
Tactical plan
- A police agency develops a plan stipulating when and how to activate a SWAT or other emergency team in a hostage situation so as to contain and end the emergency.
Tactical plan
- Drive change in an entire police agency or specific units within the agency.
Operational plan
- An agency that decides to set up a canine unit creates a plan for selecting human and canine members of the unit, as well as training, certifying, and deploying them.
Operational plan
- Activate during emergencies, critical events, or disasters that affect the agency and demand immediate and prolonged response.
Contingency plan
- An agency develops plans delineating procedures tor responding to terrorist attacks and natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods) to which the area is particularly vulnerable.
Contingency plan
- High-level overarching goals:
- Enhancing police professionalism
- fighting crime
- improving citizen/community satisfaction with quality of life and policing services
- Police managers take into account the agency’s values, vision, and mission, as well as the priorities of stakeholders (community members and local business leaders).To develop this category of plans.
Strategic plans
- CPTED: By integrating certain elements into physical places during construction, communities can lower the incidence of crime and…
increase community cohesion—resulting in higher quality of life for residents.
- An outgrowth of overall thinking about how to keep crime from occurring in the first place.
CPTED - Crime Prevention through environmental design.
- CPTED: Hinges on collaboration among…
police, community residents, business leaders, and local governing bodies.
Most crime prevention results a web of security/safety precautions embodied in these institutional settings of daily life:
- Families.
- Communities.
- Schools.
- Workplaces.
- Legal institutions associated with criminal justice.
- CPTED strategy: doors and windows facing streets and parking areas
Natural surveillance
- CPTED strategy: night-time lighting.
Natural surveillance
- CPTED strategy: a willingness among residents to keep their window coverings open to observe activity in the area.
Natural surveillance
- CPTED strategy: emphasizes the use of physical characteristics to differentiate private and public spaces.
Territorial reinforcement
- CPTED strategy: the use of physical characteristics to emphasize the ownership of private places while discouraging encroachment.
Territorial reinforcement
- CPTED strategy: Fences, pavement designs, gates, and landscape architecture can all be used.
Territorial reinforcement
- CPTED strategy: focuses on ensuring that streets and sidewalks are in full view of the community.
Natural access control
- CPTED strategy: removal of tall hedges and solid fences ensuring view of streets and sidewalks.
Natural access control
- CPTED strategy: This openness discourages would-be offenders who prefer to conceal themselves behind opaque barriers.
Natural access control
- CPTED strategy: Prominent video cameras on buildings can act as additional deterrents.
Natural access control
- CPTED strategy: involves the use of hardware, lighting, and other elements (such as alarm systems and guard or pet dogs) designed to make a home or business less vulnerable to physical intrusion.
Target hardening
- CPTED strategy: high-quality window locks and stout deadbolt locks for doors to discourage intrusion.
Target hardening
- CPTED strategy: recessed interior door hinges can make it nearly impossible for burglars to remove hinges.
Target hardening
- To develop an effective CPTED plan, neighbors must remain alert to what is happening in their community, and everyone needs to…
shoulder responsibility for residents’ overall well-being.
- Has helped create a sense of urgency for suppressing crime and apprehending suspects.
CompStat approach
- These needs and risks assessments powerfully shape…
the rest of the planning process.
- A ________ is an undesirable circumstance that has not yet occurred but that a police agency should identify and develop plans for mitigating.
- An agency conducts a _______ ________ to determine whether a known or foreseable threat exists, how likely it is that the threat will materialize, and how severe the consequences would be if the risk did materialize.
risk assessment
99-100. Police agencies face numerous types of risks, including ……..
- Internal organization risks
- External risks
- Neighborhood risks
- The first step (Step 1) of three steps essential to all planning is
assessing needs and risks