Chapter 7 Key Issues Flashcards
identity w/ particular group of people who share cultural traditions of homeland
identity w/ group of people who are perceived to share physiological traits
identity w/ group of people who share legal attachment to particular country
race is primary determinant of human traits
differences produce an inherent superiority of particular race
person displays discrimination/feels prejudice against people of particular
US census classifications
- white
- black/African american
- American Indian/ alaskan native
- asian
-native hawaiian/ other pacific islander
1997 guidelines
permit selection of one or more races
Hispanic Americans
- primarily from Mexico and Puerto Rico
- clustered in the Southwest
- California, Texas, Florida, new york
Asian Americans
- from China, Philippines, India
- clustered in West
- California
African Americans
- from three areas of West Africa
- clustered in southeast
- Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, mississippi
clusters in south of brazil
brancos, São Paulo, legacy from Europe
clusters in north of brazil
indigenous, Amazon rainforest area, interior
clusters in northeast of brazil
northern coast, legacy of migration from Africa
clusters in west-central brazil
mixed, site of Brasilia, the capital
ethnic enclave
high concentration of ethnic group distinct from those in surrounding area
suburban area w/ cluster of particular ethnic group
urban ethnic enclaves
clustering evident at neighborhood scale
one person owns another person as property and can force to work for owner’s benefit
triangular slave trade
Europe to Africa to the Americas
works fields on rented land; pays rent by turning over share of crop to landowner
African American migration
after both world wars African Americans migrated north and west to factories in the North
white flight
emigration of whites from an area in anticipation of blacks moving in
real estate agents convince white homeowners to sell homes at low prices
because blacks would cause values to decline
financial institutions refused to lend money within an area drawn on a map
separate but equal
upheld by Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
segregation was unconstitutional
black lives matter
campaign against violence and racism toward blacks
legal separation of races into different areas
division based on ethnicity and religion in south asia
- india, hindu
- Pakistan, muslim
dividing the kurds
- ethnicity divided among several countries
- Turkey, western Iran, northern Iraq, Syria
citizenship, born in the country and immigrants that acquired citizenship
groups with distinct ancestry
debate over whether it is a nationality or ethnic group
2 countries in British isles
UK and ireland
nationality within UK
english, Welsh, scot, irish
loyalty and devotion to a nationality, centripetal force
ethnicities in turkey
primarily Turkish (75%) and Kurds (18%)
ethnicities in iraq
divided by branches of Islam
ethnicities in syria
minority Alawites hold political power
ethnicities in lebanon
divided by Christians, Muslims, and Druze each considering themselves
ethnically distinct
ethnicities in pakistan
primarily Punjabi (45%), Pashtuns (15%)
ethnicities in iran
primarily ethnic Persians (61%), Azerbaijani (16%), Kurds (10%)
ethnicities in afghanistan
Pashtun (42%); Tajik (27%), fighting among ethnicities
primarily Azerbaijani (90%), Shiite Muslim, Turkic language
98% Armenian, Christian, Indo-European language
82% Georgian
Abkhazia and south ossetia
seceded from Georgia, recognized by Russia as independent
Ethnicities in Central Asia States
Tajikistan (80% Tajik), Turkmenistan (80% Turkmen), Kyrgyzstan
(70%), Uzbekistan (70% Uzbek), Kazakhstan (70% Kazakh)
fear of people of a particular ethnicity
fear of people from other countries
ethnic cleansing
purposeful policy designed by one ethnicity or religious group to remove
by violent means that civilian population of another ethnic group
genocide—mass killing of a group in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence
deported and exterminated around 17 million people including 6 million Jews
Europe after WWll
mass movement of people within Europe due to boundary changes
ethnic group from Rakhine state, Sunni Muslim
ethnic cleansing and genocide myammar
stripped of citizenship and rights by Myanmar’s government
subject to ethnic cleansing and forced migration
ethnic cleansing southeast europe
Multiethnic Yugoslavia—major ethnic groups (Croat, Serbian, Macedonian, Montenegrin,
Slovene) granted relative autonomy
ethnic cleansing kosovo
autonomous region in Serbia
82% of Kosovo’s population ethnic Albanian
Serbs launched ethnic cleansing in 1990s
Kosovo declared independence in 2008
ethnic diversity Bosnia and herzegovina
most ethnically diverse of former Yugoslavia–44% Bosniak, 31% Serb, 17% Croat, each
sought to maximize their territory through ethnic cleansing
srebrenica massacre
1995, largest single ethnic cleansing event in Bosnia
Bosnia & Herzegovina After Ethnic Cleansing
territory divided after the 1995 Dayton accords, joint Croatian (20% of land) and Bosnian
(30% of land) region, Serbian region (50% of land)
process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities
Ethnicities & Nationalities in Africa
identity primarily based on ethnicity rather than nationality
civil war between Arab dominated government vs. black African ethnicities
(western Sudan)
South Sudan
civil war 1983-2005, ended with establishment of South Sudan
borderland, considered citizens of both Sudan and South Sudan
South Kordofan and Blue Nile
Eastern Front
borders Eritrea, major issue oil profits
Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in Rwanda & Burundi
large-scale ethnic cleansing between the Hutus and Tutsis
Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide in the Congo
ongoing civil wars, ethnic conflicts
ethnic cleansing