Chapter 7 - HRM on performance Flashcards
Purpose of HRM
Management decisions and practices associated with people.
Levels of management control
Strategic (BoD level):
- planning
- BoD procedures (appointments, SoD)
- Setting & reviewing org structure
- Establishing policies (on conduct, performance, risk assessment, etc)
- Monitor achievements vs plans and policies
Tactical (mid mgmt)
- production requirements
- production budget
- procedures (hiring, training, risk management)
- monitor achievement vs plan
Operational (lower org levels)
- controls to overlook repetitive activities
Health and Safety
- employee benefits from entitlements
- cost savings (accidents)
- company image (hiring, stakeholder image)
- preserve well-being
Meaning, situations and stages
Not just punishment: discipline means learning
Aim to achieve change in behavior
- absenteeism
- work performance
- breaking rules or procedures
- refuse work assignments
- poor attitude
- informal talk
- oral warning
- official warning (1st and 2nd)
- suspension
- demotion
- dismissal
UK Statutory process and code of practice for dismissing employees
A. statement in writing on employee actions
B. meeting to discuss
C. right to appeal
Employer has to show the reason for dismissal
Handling discipline
Encourage improvement Act promptly Gather facts stay calm be consistent consider each case on its merits follow procedure Consider suspension with pay during investigation (where there are risk factors)
Self-discipline: most people accept the idea once instructions and rules are clear.
Douglas McGregor’s: hot stove
Immediacy: supervisor has to take corrective action right away
Grievance process
- discuss with colleague, staff or union member
- if warranted: take to superior
- if the superior cannot help take it to the managers superior and involve HR
- distinct between individual and collective grievance
- permit colleague, staff or union rep to be involved
- state timelines, -frames to resolve
A company may have tribunals to hear and resolve issues internally if the grievance process is not satisfactory to the employee. Instead of tribunals arbitration (decision) or conciliation (settlement)
Dismissal and redundancy
Fairy if due to: employees conduct employees capabilities statutory reasons other substantial reasons redundant
Redundancy definition
cessation of business
cessation of business in the location of employment
cessation of business of the type of work
> =20 employees within 90 days means dismissal for a reason no related to an individual
Fairness and equality
Job for life is gone
employees effort in relation to company reward
employees are willing to look outside
Rosseau and Greller on psychological contract
Coercive: forced to contribute, inadequate rewards
Calculative: voluntary, in exchange of rewards
Cooperative: more than expected contributing, seek to contribute to the company goals
Adam’s equity theory
receive vs what they contribute
own situation compared to others
Many factors create equity. They are:
living wage vs personal expense rate for the job output reward responsibility differentials comparability status contribution supply and demand
Equality and Diversity (Act from 2010, factors, outcome)
age disability gender partnership (civil) maternity race religion sex sexual orientation
unlawful to discriminate based on the above factors
should result in:
best recruits from the wides talent pool
best use of skills
built professionalism and image of the business
Equal Opportunities vs. Diversity
remove discrimination - maximizing potential
issue for disadvantaged groups - relevant to all employees
human resource task - manager’s task
requires proactive action - does not require proactive action