Chapter 7 Evaluating Survey Data Collection Methods Flashcards
_________ of surveys include standardization, ease of administration, tapping the “unseen”, ease of analysis, and subgroup differences.
In a __________, an interviewer reads questions to a respondent and records his or her answers without the use of a computer.
person-administered survey
Personal interviewers can build _______ with respondents who are initially distrustful or suspicious of a survey.
__________ of person-administered surveys include human error, slow data collection, high cost, and interview apprehension among respondents.
_________ occurs when the interviewer’s presence creates concerns in respondents that may cause them to alter their normal responses.
Interview evaluation
___________, the interviewer basically verbalizes the questions while relying on computer technology to facilitate the interview work
computer-assisted, person-administered survey
_______ are fast, error free, capable of using images or graphics, and able to capture data in real time.
Computer-assisted surveys
The __________ by computer-assisted surveys is an important advantage of this data collection mode.
immediate capture of data
________ of computer-assisted data collection include the requirement of technical skills, and possibly high setup costs.
In a _________, the respondent completes the survey alone: no human or computer administers the interview.
self-administered survey
Self-administered survey _________ include reduced cost, respondent control, and no interview evaluation apprehension.
________ of self-administered surveys include respondent control, lack of monitoring, and high questionnaire requirements.
With self-administered surveys, the _______ must be especially thorough and precise to minimize respondent errors.
___________ are user friendly, inexpensive, and non-threatening to respondents.
Computer-administered surveys
_______ or hybrid surveys use multiple data collection modes.
With a _________, the researcher can use the advantages of each of the various modes to achieve data collection goals.
mixed-mode survey
A _________ of the mixed-mode survey is that the researcher must consider the effects the modes may have on responses.
Multiple modes add _______ to data collection, such as differences in instructions and integration of data from different sources.
Person-administered/computer-assisted (when a computer is used to facilitate) surveys:
In-home survey
Mall-intercept survey
In-office survey
Telephone survey
Computer-administered surveys:
Fully automated survey
Online survey
Self-administered surveys:
Group self-administered survey
Drop-off survey
Mail survey
Use ______ interviews when respondents must interact with a product prototype, and when the comfort of respondents’ homes is important in ensuring the quality of the data collected.
______ interviews facilitate interviewer–interviewee rapport.
_______ interviews are conducted in large shopping malls, and they are less expensive per interview than in-home interviews.
_______ interviews are conducted at executives’ or managers’ places of work because these are the most suitable locations.
______ personal interviews incur costs because of difficulties accessing qualified respondents.
Advantages of telephone interviews include _______
cost, quality, and speed.
The _______ is a poor medium for a survey with many open-ended questions.
______ interviewers must contend with the negative impression people have of telemarketers.
________ interviewing affords efficient control of interviewers.
Central location
With CATI, the interviewer reads questions on a computer screen and enters respondents’ answers directly into the computer.
computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI)
With CATI, the _______ is the “voice” of the computer.
Most CATI systems are programmed to disallow “_______” answers.
_________ in which the survey is administered by a computer, but not online. With one such system, a computer dials a phone number, and a recording is used to introduce the survey. The respondent then uses the push buttons on his or her telephone to make responses, thereby interacting directly with the computer. In the research industry, this approach is known as completely automated telephone survey (CATS)
fully automated surveys
________, also called a “web survey” or “online survey,” in which the respondent answers questions online has become the industry standard for surveys in virtually all high-Internet-penetration countries
Internet-based questionnaire
______ allow respondents to participate while in relaxed and comfortable surroundings.
Online surveys
________ surveys economize in time and money because a group of respondents participates at the same time.
Group self-administered
_______ surveys must be self-explanatory because they are left with respondents, who fill them out without assistance.
______ surveys suffer from nonresponse and self-selection bias.
_______, which refers to questionnaires that are not returned.
_______, which means that those who do respond are probably different from those who do not fill out the questionnaire and return it; therefore, the sample gained through this method is nonrepresentative of the general population.
self-selection bias
______ companies recruit thousands of ready-to-respond survey takers.
_______ company advantages include fast turnaround, high quality, and database information.
Panel company ________ include nonrandom samples, potentially overworked respondents, and cost.
In selecting a ______, the researcher balances quality against cost, time, and other considerations.
data collection mode
A _______ may dictate which data collection method to use.
short deadline
If respondents need to see, handle, or experience something, the ________ mode must accommodate these requirements.
data collection
The ________, or the percentage of the population that qualifies to be included in a survey, affects decisions about data collection modes for that survey.
incidence rate
______ and/or limited communications systems may limit data collection mode choices.
Cultural norms