Chapter 7 - Cyberspace, network security and data transfer Flashcards
What is cyber crime?
Using a computer to commit a crime
What are cyber criminals?
People involved in cyber crime
Give an example of cyber crime
Hacking bank accounts
Theft of personal information
What is a hacker?
A person who gains unauthorised access to a computer
What is a virus?
Software designed to damage a computer system
What is cyber stalking?
Where individuals use technology to harass others
What is Social Media?
Websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone:
What is data theft?
Stealing customer records to get personal details that are then used to commit identity fraud
What is identity fraud?
Using someone else’s personal details to commit a crime
What does DDoS stand for?
Distributed Denial of Service
What is DDoS?
A malicious attack on a network, sending so much traffic to a target that it can no longer access the internet
What is a web server?
Web servers are computers that store website data, and deliver web pages to internet users.
What is digital forgery?
Intentionally and falsely altering digital content. e.g. pictures or documents
What is cyber defamation?
Using the internet with the intention to damage the reputation of a person or organisation by posting slanderous messages.
What is slander?
Making a false statement that damages a person’s reputation
What is spamming?
Sending bulk junk emails such as adverts for products
What is Phishing?
Sending emails that appear to be from a reliable source that attempt to trick the recipient into revealing personal details or account information.
What is identity theft?
Stealing someone’s identity to commit a crime
What is malware?
MALicious SoftWARE (malicious means bad)
What is a Trojan Horse?
Malicious software that gains access to a computer by pretending to be a useful piece of software
What is a worm?
Malware that spreads by replicating (copying) itself
What is a key logger?
Software that records what a user types and sends it to a cyber-criminal
What is spyware?
Malicious software secretly installed on a computer that collects information about a user and sends it to a cyber-criminal
What is encryption?
Transmitted data is ‘scrambled’ so that it cannot be understood if it is intercepted.
The data can only be unscrambled (unencrypted) by using an encryption key
What is verification?
Checking if something is true or accurate
What are access levels?
Different users are given different access to data on a network.
E.g. Teachers might be able to see a student’s contact information, but a student can only see their own data.
What access levels can be applied to a file?
Read & copy
Read & Write
What is read-only access?
The file can only be read, not changed
What is read-copy access?
The file can be read and a copy made, but the original cannot be changed
What is read-write access?
The file can be read, changed and saved
What is data corruption?
When data becomes unusable, unreadable or inaccessible to a user or application
What is a restore program?
A program that restores damaged files from a backup
What is a firewall?
A hardware device or software program that monitors data entering and leaving a network
What does TCP/IP stand for?
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
What is TCP/IP?
The protocols used to transfer data on the internet
What does FTP stand for?
File Transfer Protocol
What is FTP?
A protocol that allows files to be sent and received on the internet
What is a 404 error?
An error that occurs when a webpage of file cannot be found on the internet
What does HTTPS stand for?
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
When is HTTPS used?
HTTPS is used to ensure that data is transmitted securely on the internet, especially for banking or payment appications.
What does SSL stand for?
Secure Socket Layer
What is SSL?
SSL makes an encrypted connection between a browser and a server
What is a web browser?
A piece of software that displays web pages
What is e-commerce?
Online shopping
Business transactions over the internet