Chapter 7: Creating a Flexible Organization Flashcards
the ability to complete a task using the minimum amount of resources
the ability to make decisions and how those decisions will be carried out
speed that an organization can improve its products in response to customer feedback
degree where employees can make decisions on their own
results in higher employee morale and more creative work environment but can also reduce management control
higher empowerment
involves structuring tasks and activities
job design
the separation of organizational activities into distinct tasks and assignment of these tasks to people
job specialization
systematic shifting from one job to another
job rotation
process of grouping jobs into manageable units
groups employees who perform same activities
functional departmentalization
groups employees who work with a particular good/service
product departmentalization
groups employees according to geographic area
location/geographic departmentalization
groups employees according to the needs of various customer population
customer departmentalization
where decisions are concentrated at the upper levels of management
centralized authority
where management attempts to spread authority widely across the staff
decentralized authority
when manager assigns some of their work to someone else
management attempts to spread authority widely across organization levels
decentralized organization
systematically works to concentrate authority at upper levels
centralized organization
the # of workers who report directly to one manager
span of management
manager supervises many subordinates and can lead to flatter organization
wide span of control
manager has only a few subordinates and can lead to taller organization
narrow span of control
of layers, or levels, of management in a business
organizational height
visual representation of the structured relationship among tasks, responsibilities and people given authority to do those tasks
organization chart
an O.S where the chain of command goes directly from person to person
line of structure
where authorities (e.g., managers) establish goals and directives that are then fulfilled by staff
line-and-staff structure
an O.S where individuals work on teams so that conflicting objectives can be balanced and overall goals become the priority
matrix structure
team of individuals with varying specialties and skills that are brought together to achieve a common task
cross-functional team
represents the people in the company, how they’re grouped, and to whom they report
organizational structure
the inner customs, traditions, and values of an organization
corporate culture
pattern of behavior and interaction that stems from personal rather than professional relationships
informal organization
informal communications network within an organization