Chapter 10: Motivating Employees and Teams Flashcards
The application of scientific principles to management work and workers
scientific management
a motivation theory that sequences human needs in order of their importance
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Assumes employees dislike work and will only work in a highly controlled work environment
Theory X
Assumes responsibility and work towards organizational goals and personal rewards are achieved
Theory Y
Motivation theory by Alderfer that better supports empirical research than Maslow’s
ERG Theory
the concern for basic, material existent motivators
Existence (ERG)
concern for interpersonal motivators
Relatedness (ERG)
concern for personal growth
Motivational Theory that suggest satisfaction and dissatisfaction are separate and distinct dimensions
Two-Factor Theory
Means of modifying behaviour based on the premise that rewarded behaviour is likely to be repeated and punished behaviour is less likely to occur
Reinforcement Theory
Systematic program of reinforcement to encourage desirable behaviour
Behaviour Modification
Motivation Theory based on the assumption that motivation depends on how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it
Expectancy Theory
Suggests that employees are motivated to achieve goals that they and their managers establish together
Goal-setting theory
Motivation technique where managers and employees collaborate in setting goals
Management by Objectives (MOB)
Where employees set their own work hours
Where 2 people share 1 full-time position
Job sharing
Working from home
method of motivating employees by providing increased variety, responsibility and control
Job enrichment
form of job enrichment where employee is given additional but similar tasks
Job enlargement
form of job enrichment where employees are given entirely new tasks
Job redesign
form of job enrichment where employee is moved between various jobs
job rotation
making employees more involved by increasing their participation and decision making
Employees are shareholders of the company
employee ownership
where members are dispersed geographically and communicate electronically
virtual team