Chapter 7 - Case studies Flashcards
*What is a case study?
Dybde, lavt antall, kontekstuelle undersøkelser, over tid.
A Case Study is an in depth study of a specific instance (or a small number of instances) within a specific real life context.
Case studies present a different set of challenges from studies involving larger numbers of participants.
Given the small sample size, identifying the appropriate participants may be even more important than in other studies.
Data analysis and interpretation are particularly important.
Case Studies foregår “in the wild” der labbaserte experimenter ikke slår ann. Det er
konteksten som styrer studiet.
*What are the 4 key aspects of a case study?
1. Indepth investigation of a small number of cases
2. examination in context
3. multiple data sources
4. emphasis on qualitative data and analysis.
*Case studies often rely on multiple data collection techniques to act as sources of corroborating evidence. Mention some of these.
Technology biography,
Technology tours, personal histories, guided speculations.
Artifacts, observation, interviews. Increase the confidence.
If data diverge, dig deeper. (s. 148).
*What are the 4 goals of HCI case studies?
Exploration: understanding novel problems or situations. (similar to ethnography)
Explanation: developing models that can be used to understand a context of technology
*Description: documenting a system, a context of technology use, or the process that ledto a proposed design.
*Demonstration: showing how a new tool was successfully used.
*Mention and explain the terms used to classify types of case studies.
Intrinsic studies, describe cases that are of inherent interest (not general interst).
instrumental cases studies ask questions in the hope of generating insight that go beyond the case at hand.
Embedded case studies investigate several units, while a holistic case study only investigates one unit in each case.
Single- vs multiple-case ((s.156)
*Mention the four components of a case study design:
● Questions (goals)
● Hypotheses or propositions ( statements of what you might expect to find)
● units of analysis (focus)
● data analysis plan
*Mention and explain two different ways to use multiple case studies to compare cases
Literal replication
Theoretical replication
*When and how should you use multiple vs. single-case studies?
Explain edge cases and critical cases
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