Chapter 6 - Diaries Flashcards
What is the major difference between diaries in general and time diaries?
Time diaries focuses on how individuals utilize their time in different activities.
General diaries may be infrequent where time diaries have a time focus. Individuals are
asked to record entries on a regular basis, when events occur or a combination thereof.
Because of the importance of time in HCI research, time diaries are often the most used.
What bias often present in survey responses do diaries sometimes eliminate?
Sometimes it might be difficult to conduct a controlled experiment or a study in an natural
environment. This is where diaries are useful.
It’s often used alongside other research methods so that they can cover eachothers
Why are diaries good for collecting data on userdefined events?
Because some events can’t be controlled. And experiments don’t record the choices that
the users didn’t take, only which one they took.
What aspects of handheld or mobile devices make them appropriate for diary studies?
They are mobile and can quickly and can be noted in regularly and with ease.
Why is strict random sampling not necessary in diary studies?
Because it’s unrealistic and hard. Diaries are also not meant to answer hypothesis, but to get a better understanding.
What is the main difference between feedback diaries and elicitation diaries?
In Feedback diary the data from the diary itself provides the feedback to the researches.
In Elicitation diary the data recorded is used for promoting, when interviews take place at
a later point.
Feedback diaries focus on the events that interest the researcher, while Elicitation focus
on the events that interest the user.
Feedback diaries may be more accurate and objective, but elicitation diaries can provide
a view that the user is experiencing.
Why is it important to clearly define appropriate definitions of terminology for diary
So that the researcher has a clear understanding of what a user means when using relevant terms (ex. If using a computer, what does ‘crash’ mean) (S.136)
Why do you not want to pay participants for each diary entry?
It will probably affect the participants and make them change their behaviour. Bias.
What is generally considered to be the longest appropriate time period for a diary study?
Two weeks is often considered the appropriate length. (s. 137)
*What are the three qualities a diarist (user) must have?
Understanding of the purposes of maintaining the diary
Motivation to keep a regular and accurate record
Competence in using the technology and method (s. 131)
*Hvordan kan man analysere dagbøker?
(s. 137)
*Nevn noen teknikker/verktøy for Dagbok-føring
Blogg, snap, facebook, lyd, vanlig dagbok, twitter, video