Chapter 7 and 6 Flashcards
What is phrenology?
The study of the shape of the head to determine Anatomical correlates of human behaviour
Theory of Atovism
Criminals are physiological throw backs earlier stages of human evolution (Cesare Lombroso)
XXY Chromosomal Structure
-“Super male”
- taller than average
- acne plus other skin disorders
-below average intelligence
-over represented in prison plus mental hospitals
-family with above avg history of crime or mental illness
What is somatotyping?
The classification of human beings into types according to body build and other physical Characteristics
Studies of monozygotic twins
- Johannes Lange (1920) found that 10/13 of the mz twins were both criminals whereas 2/17 dz thing had that similarity
-Karl o Christiansen Plus Sarnoff mednick(1968) found stats using twins supporting criminal behaviour is inherited
52% mz and 22% dz - these stats stayed the same even if the twins were raised differently
What is a human genome?
A complete copy of the entire set of human gene instructions
What is hypoglycemia?
A medical condition characterized by low blood pressure
Crime + hypoglycemia
1943 study on chemical imbalances in the body as a course of crime
- low blood pressure was said to reduce the brains capacity
Different types of Morphins (somatotypes)
- Endomorph: overweight
-mesomorph: athletic - muscular
-ectomorph: thin plus fragile - balanced type: average build
Percentage of homicide menus women
America: 96% men, 4% women
Asia: 95% men, 5% women
Europe: 92% men, 8% women
Global: 95% men, 5% women
Studies of Cesare lombroso
-created the term Atovism
- suggested that crime was a result of primitive urges that survived evolution
What is tribalism?
Attitudes and behaviour that result from strong feelings of identification with one’s own social group
What is positivism
The application of scientific techniques to the study of crime plus criminals
Positivism theory
- Valid knowledge is only acquired through observation
-reality consists of clearly defined fasts that can be measured scientifically and hopefully controlled
What is psychotherapy?
A form of psychiatric treatment based on psychoanalytical principals plus techniques
What is modelling theory?
Suggest that we learn how to behave by observing others
What is psychopathy?
Personality disorder characterized by anti-social behaviour and a failure to feel remorse or guilt
What is psychopathology?
Refers to any soft of psychological disorder that causes distress either for the individual or those in the individuals life
Examples: depression, schizophrenia,ADHD, alcoholism,bulimia
What is neurosis?
A functional disorder of the mind or of the emotions involving anxiety,phobia,or other abnormal behaviour
What is sublimation?
The psychological process whereby one aspect of consciousness comes to be symbolically substituted for another
What is alloplostic adaptation?
A form of adjustment that results from changes in the environment surrounding the individual
What is psychoanalysis?
The theory of human psychology founded by sigmund friend based on the concepts of the unconscious, resistance,repression,sexuality,and the Oedipus complex
Studies of Freud and the motivations of someone to commit murder
-from the Freudian perspective, everyone carries the prerequisite motivation for criminal behaviour in the ld
- The ld is a widely unconscious part of the mind and operates to gain pleasure but is also for our instincts and drives
- Love, Agression, and sex are fundamental drives to the personality
What happens to people who are found ncrmd?
- Detention in hospital
2.conditional discharge
3.absolute discharge