Chapter 7 Flashcards
The traditional family is a thing of the
What percent of underage minors now live in two-parent families?
85% of…children live with two parents
What percent of white children live with two parents?
What percent of Hispanic children live with two parents?
35% of…children live with two parents
Today, more than…of teens who give birth are unmarried
Conger’s research on the effects of economic stress on the family revealed that adverse consequences can be mitigated when
parents remain supportive of one another and demonstrate effective problem-solving skills
Research indicates that parents…produce children who are secure and independent
whose marriage is secure
The nuclear family that is the product of divorce and remarriage is called a
blended family
Research examining the association between divorce and delinquency has found that…
children growing up in families disrupted by parental death are better adjusted than children of divorce
In examining gender-specific effects of divorce, research has found that…
boys seem to be more affected by the post-divorce absence of the father
Renner found that children are more likely to externalize negative behavior when they…
witness intrafamily violence
Research reveals that children who are conflict prone…
may help to destabilize the home
Which term refers to the nonaccidental physical injury of children by their parents or guardians?
battered child syndrome
Shaken-baby syndrome, a form of child abuse, affects as many as…children every year
Research shows that child abuse is present in the histories of the vast majority of people who have been diagnosed with
dissociative identity disorder
Of the approximately…child maltreatment facilities each year, 70 percent occur among children younger than age…
1600, three
An attorney for the social services agency presents an overview of the case and can negotiate a plea bargain or consent decree at the…
pretrial conference
The Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 allows children to use…when testifying in federal courts to demonstrate happenings they cannot describe verbally
anatomically correct dolls
Children of which group have been raised in cultures where divorce is rare and parents have less experience in developing child-rearing practices that buffer the effects of family breakup on adolescent problem behavior?
Hispanic Americans
The process by which abused kids become abusers themselves is known as…
a cycle of violence
With the changing modern family dynamic, about…of all mothers of school-age children are employed
70 percent
Among children who live with one parent, what percentage lives with their mother?
87 percent
Research shows that by age 14, when compared to the children of older moms, the offspring of teen mothers were more likely to have…
disturbed psychological behavior
Divorce decreases antisocial behavior among children when the…
father engages in high levels of antisocial behavior
Fifty years ago, Nye found that a child’s perception of his or her…is a significant predictor of delinquency
parents’ marital happiness
David Huh and colleagues studied the determinants of perceived parental support and control on problem behaviors and found strong evidence that…
increases in adolescent behavioral problems undermine parenting effectiveness
In which case did the US Supreme Court rule that the due process clause of the Constitution protects against government interference with certain fundamental rights and liberty interests, including parents’ fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children?
Troxel vs. Granville
Even in states that mandate registration and inspection of family day care providers, it is estimated that…percent or more of the facilities operate “underground”
Three of the primary intervention components of the Homebuilders model are engaging and motivating family members; conducting holistic, behavioral assessments of strengths and problems; and…
developing outcome based goals
Regarding the abuse-delinquency link, factors associated with abuse (i.e., chaotic family environment, mental health problems, behavioral problems, and school problems)…
may actually trigger tough punishments
Kids born into single-parent homes are more likely to
live in poverty and to experience long-term physical and social difficulties
There are…teenage moms in the population today, due to…
fewer; birth control and the legalization of abortion
What percent of children ages 0-4 with employed moms are cared for by a relative
What percent of children are cared for in a formal daycare or center?
What percent of children are cared for by a non-relative in a home based environment?
Although some states mandate registration and inspection of daycare providers, …percent operate “underground”