Chapter 7 Flashcards
What is thinking?
It’s the mental activity that involves coming to a decision, solution, creating beliefs & developing an attitude
What are the concepts?
Is when we make mental representations of categories of objects or ideas that belong together. And is also used in the process of memory, reasoning, & language.
What are the 3 hierarchies of concepts? And there levels?
Superordinate: broadest level
Mid level: basic level
Subordinate level: narrowest level
What concept is defined by rigid & logical rules like math or sciences?
Formal concepts
What concept of mental representations of categories result from daily life experiences?
Natural concepts
What are the steps to problem solving?
Understand the problem, choose an approach, & evaluate.
What are 4 different problem solving approaches & short example?
Trial & error - lets just see what works.
Algorithms - actual formulas
Heuristics - our go-to decisions
Means-ends analysis- seeing a goal & trying to find an easier way to reach it.
What is known as being resistant toward using familiar objects in new ways?
Functional fixedness
What is Guss’s hypothesis referring too?
Individualistic countries are concerned with themselves; collectivist are concerned with other people.
Problem solving vary by different cultures
What term did Kahnerman & Tversky say relies on memory & influenced by familiarity, regency, frequency, vividness.
Ineffective heuristic (availability heuristic)
What heuristic speaks of the stereotypical person?
Representativeness heuristic
What is it called when we continue to look for evidence to back up our beliefs?
Confirmation bias
What effect demos how outcome of decisions can be influenced by wording of questions or context of problems?
Framing effect
It’s terms of language what does phonemes represent?
The basic building blocks of spoken language like the word “ba”
In terms of language what small fundamental units bring meaning to language like “bat” or “bats”?
In terms of language what is the reflection of word order like “I ate pizza” or “pizza I ate”
In terms of language what term is used to define what’s correct & incorrect structure of a sentence?
In terms of language what term defines what rules are used to bring meaning to words?
What was chromsky’s theory?
That all children learn language & go through the same stages in basically the same way, including signed language.
What did Sapir-whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis mean?
That languages have different effects on thinking & perception.
What is intelligence?
Ones ability to solve problems, adapt to environment, & learn from experiences. Relating to memory, learning, perception, & language.
What is heritability?
Applying to groups of people, but includes genes are responsible for a particular characteristic or trait.
What does intelligence mean to the U.S. Versus another part of the world?
In the U.S. Getting high grades & test scores & somewhere else like Kenya may be knowing how to survive like making fires & staying healthy.
What is the g factor that spearman speculated?
General intelligence that humans have a singular underlying aptitude or intellectual ability.
Gardner proposed 8 types of intelligences or frames of minds what are they & what is an example?
- Verbal/linguistic: like a poet or journalist
- Logical/math: scientist or mathematician.
- Musical: violinist or creating rhythms.
- Visual spatial: sculptor or navigator
- Bodily/kinesthetic: dancer or athlete hands on work.
- Interpersonal: therapist or salesman; understanding others feelings & needs
- Intrapersonal: person with detailed self knowledge & understandance.
- Naturalist: understanding nature; farmers or being able to see nature patterns.
What is cognition?
It’s a broader aspect; mental activities associated with obtaining, converting, & using knowledge.