Chapter 7, 3 Events Flashcards
Pope Clement V convened this council to disband the order of
crusader monks known as the Knights Templar and to give their property to the king of France.
Council of Vienne
Pope John XXIII summoned this council to end the Great Schism
and to reform the Catholic Church. The council elected a new pope and declared that a church council
“holds its power direct from Christ; everyone… is bound to obey it.” This view became known as
Council of Constance
This council technically reunited Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
However, Orthodox laypeople rejected the reunion. The council also claimed—against the Council of
Constance—that the pope was superior to church councils. The council recognized seven sacraments to guide Christians from womb to tomb—baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, marriage,
ordination, and last rites.
Council of Florence