Chapter 5, 5 Terms Flashcards
The church’s sixth general council denounced Monotheletism (see below) and reaffirmed the beliefs of the Council of Chalcedon.
Third Council of Constantinople (681)
Pepin III, a Frankish battle-chief, gave part of Italy (the “papal states”) to the pope. In return, the pope granted Pepin the church’s approval and a royal title.
Pepin’s Donation (754)
The Church’s seventh and last general council denounced Adoptionism, the idea that Jesus was not God’s Son by nature. The council also allowed Christians to revere - but not worship - icons.
Second Council of Nicaea (787)
_____________________________ Excommunicated Eastern Christians (1054).
Overseer of the Roman Church
In 1076 Emperor Henry IV claimed the right to invest bishops with their authority; Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) forced him to beg forgiveness for three days. In 1122 a concordat signed in Worms, Germany, allowed emperors to be present at bishops’ ordinations, but church leaders controlled the selection. The First Lateran Council confirmed the Concordat or Worms in 1123.
Investiture Dispute
In 1076 Emperor Henry IV claimed the right to invest bishops with their authority; Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) forced him to beg forgiveness for three days. In 1122 a concordat signed in Worms, Germany, allowed emperors to be present at bishops’ ordinations, but church leaders controlled the selection. The First Lateran Council confirmed the Concordat or Worms in 1123.
Investiture Dispute